"A Comparison of Two Methods for Recording and Analyzing Supervisory Co" by Pamela J. Anderson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Sciences & Disorders


This study was designed to determine if a significant relationship existed between The Underwood Category System for Analyzing Supervisor-Clinician Behavior (UCA System) and the Content and Sequence Analysis of the Supervisory Session (CSA System) by comparing the information obtained from the two procedures.

Subjects for this study were five faculty members and numerous student clinicians enrolled in clinical practicum at the University of North Dakota Speech and Hearing Clinic. Thirty-four supervisory conferences were audio-tape recorded in the supervisors' offices. The second five minutes of each conference was selected to be scored and analyzed using both of the systems.

A significant relationship was found between the UCA and CSA Systems and it was determined that the information provided by the two systems is essentially the same.

The most frequently occurring supervisor's category in the UCA System was 8, Provides Opinions/Suggestions, while category 5, Observation/Information, was the most frequently occurring category in the CSA System.

Category 12, Provides Factual Information, was the most frequently occurring clinician's category in the UCA System and category 11, Observation/Information, was the most frequently scored category in the CSA System.

From the analysis of the data, it was noted that the supervisor tends to request more factual information from the clinician while the clinician tends to request more opinions and suggestions than facts from the supervisor. Also, it was found that the CSA System was easier to score while the UCA System provided the scorer with more specific information.
