"Evaluating the Appropriateness of Fast Forword Training for Hard of He" by Shari M. Weisz

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Communication Sciences & Disorders


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate whether children with a hearing loss could perceive the sound differences in the seven games contained in the demonstration version of the Fast ForWord program, and then, consequently, determine if this program would be appropriate to use as an auditory training tool for this population.

Eight children, between the ages of four and nine, with hearing losses ranging from moderate to moderately severe participated in this study. Successful completion of the games was determined when the child met the criterion score of 100 points. The results indicate that children who are hard of hearing can perceive the sound differences in the seven games at an intermediate and high volume level. Therefore, this study determined that the Fast ForWord program could provide children who are hard of hearing loss with the necessary components of an auditory training regimen.
