Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Communication Sciences & Disorders


Brachmann-de Lange syndrome is a dysmorphogenic disorder that has been characterized by multiple congenital abnormalities. Individuals with this syndrome commonly have mild to severe cognitive involvement. Commonly, speech and language presents a challenge to this population.

One individual diagnosed with Brachmann-de Lange syndrome has been administered a battery of speech, language, and hearing assessments to determine his communicative understanding, intent, and ability. The parents of this individual volunteered and willingly agreed to participate in the study.

Results of this study help to provide some common speech and language characteristics of one child with Brachmann de Lange syndrome. Expressive and receptive language skills were obtained and compared. This information is useful to speech-language pathologists, audiologists, teachers, parents, and caregivers to better understand the disorder and its communicative ramifications. In addition, this project helps contribute to the limited information currently existing on Brachmann-de Lange syndrome and communication.
