Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Population Dynamics of Three Amphibian Species Across the Sheyenne National Grassland of Southeastern North Dakota, Bartholomew L. Bly
Population Ecology and Expansion Dynamics of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs in Western North Dakota, Sara Ann Milne
The Characterization of the Expression of BOG25 and 7a5 in Normal and Cancerous Bladder, Prostate and Breast Cell Lines, Katerine Vanasek
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Status of Migratory Shorebirds at an Inland Stopover Site in the Northern Plains Prairie Pothole Region, Corinne A. Carey
Phylogeography and Population Structure of the Prairie Skink (Eumeces Septentrionalis), Gregory S. Fuerst
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Identification of the Interaction Between Gravin and {mu}-Opioid Receptors, Meifang Liu
Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Reproductive Seasonality of Larval Fish in the Red River, Timothy James Resseguie
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The DNA Sequence From A Cloned 15 Kilobase Fragment Of The Chlamydomonas Acidophila Mitochondrial Genome And RNA Transcript Production In Response To Cadmium, Scott A. Hoffman
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Aspects of American Bittern Ecology in Northwest Minnesota, David Anthony Azure
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis) Ecology and Demography in the North Dakota Badlands, Jerry J. Feist
Distribution and Success of Galling Insects on Upland Willow (Salix Humilis) in Itasca State Park, Minnesota, Erik J. Harris
Tus Gene Divergense in the Enterobacteriaceae, Andrew F. Nilles
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Influence of Supplemental Food for Striped Skunks on Duck Nest Success in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, Donovan G. Pietruszewski
Waterfowl Nest Success in Two Habitat Types on Lonetree Wildlife Management Area, Jon Merril Roaldson
Ecology of the Northern Badlands Elk Herd, Alan Strassler
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Spontaneous Luteolysis in the Cyclic Golden Hamster: Evidence for Mediation Through Inflammation and Apoptosis, Mark W. Rodacker
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Mitochondrial DNA Variation Within the Western-Clark's Grebe Complex (Podicipedidae: Aechmophorus), Bruce Alan Eichhorst
Morphological Evidence of Apoptosis During Early Structural Luteolysis in the Golden Hamster, Matthew G. Friederichs
Smoltification and Imprinting in Introduced, Land-locked Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Timothy L. Hoffnagle
The Impact of Cowbird Parasitism on a North Dakota Population of Clay-Colored Sparrows, Gregory P. Romig
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Function of Song in Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina), Daniel J. Albrecht
The Blood-Oocyte Barrier: Morphological Evidence Implicating The Zona Pellucida, Allan D. Forsman
Small mammal demographics in North Dakota conservation reserve program plantings, Larry A. Lysne
Changes in the Midgut of Female Amblyomma Americanum as a Result of Feeding Upon Hosts Expressing Different Levels of Acquired Anti-Tick Resistance, Mildred E. Voss-McCowan
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Efficiency of Monoclonal Antibodies to Detect Respiratory Virus Antigens in Clinical Specimens, Kenneth E. Irmen
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Patterns of Nutrient Acquisition in Canvasbacks During Spring Migration, Jeb A. Barzen
Ecology of Gray Partridge in North Dakota, John Patrick Carroll
A Morphological Study of Paracrine Interactions in the Anterior Pituitary of Lactating Rats Using Immunogold Techniques, Maria K. Statton
Aspects of Mammalian Predation on Upland Nesting Waterfowl in Central North Dakota, John Thompson Trevor
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
The Predation Ecology of the Northern Harrier (Circus Cyaneus Hudsonius) on Mallard Island, North Dakota, Jessica Elin Sutherland
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Brood Parasitism and Reproduction of Canvasbacks and Redheads on the Delta Marsh, Rodney D. Sayler
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
An Evaluation of Bacterial Flagella Staining Procedures, Dan Dalan
Breeding Ecology and Productivity of Red-Necked Grebes in Turtle Mountain Provincial Park, Manitoba, Kenneth D. De Smet
Comparison of Walleye: Stizostedion Vitreum Vitreum (Mitchell), Ecology and Biology From Three Discrete Areas of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Randy J. Hiltner
Comparison of Walleye: Stizostedion Vitreum Vitreum (Mitchell), Ecology and Biology From Three Discrete Areas of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Randy J. Hiltner
Isolation of Chlamydia Trachomatis, Sandra G. Norstedt
Behavioral Ecology And Population Decline Of Mink Frog, Rana Septentrionalis, Michael Gunnar Tenneson
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Movement and Behavior of Walleye, Stizostedion Vitruem Vitreum (Mitchell), in Jamestown Reservoir, North Dakota, As Determined by Biotelemetry, Clinton B. Hall
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The Role of Pioneering Species on the Reclamation of North Dakota Surface Mined Lands, Louis R. Iverson
Winter and Spring Staging Ecology of Mallards in South Central Nebraska, Dennis Gerald Jorde
Parasites of Fishes from Devils Lake and the Souris River in North Dakota, Jerry D. Reinisch
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
The Winter Ecology of the Gadwall in Louisiana, Stuart Lindsay Paulus
Autecology of Atriplex Canescens (Pursh) Nutt. In Southwestern United States, Roger W. Ruess
Autecology of Atriplex Canescens (Pursh) Nutt. In Southwestern United States, Roger W. Ruess
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Aquatic Invertebrates and Water Chemistry of Strip-Mine Ponds in Western North Dakota, Donald Llewllyn Batema
Breeding Behavior and Reproductive Success of Chipping Sparrows in Northwestern Minnesota, Mary E. Keller
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms and Communication in Greater Prairie Chickens (Tympanuchus Cupido) and Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus), Donald W. Sparling Jr.
Spring and Summer Ecology of Female Greater Prairie Chickens in Northwestern Minnesota, W. Daniel Svedarsky
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Bighorn Sheep in North Dakota: Population Estimates, Food Habits and Their Biogeochemistry, Steven D. Fairaizl
Investigations of Population Structure and Relative Abundance of Year-Classes of Buffalo Fishes, Ictiobus Spp., In Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, David W. Willis
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Distribution of Fishes in the James River in North Dakota and South Dakota Prior to Garrison and Oahe Diversion Projects, Dean S. Elsen
Pinnated Grouse (Tympanuchus Cupido Pinnatus) Movements and Habitat Utilization in the Northern Great Plains, Jeffrey P. Jorgenson
A Comparison of the Age and Growth of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) in Lake Audubon and Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, 1978, Steven W. Kelsch
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Nutrient Relations of Some Northern Minnesota Forest Communities, Richard H. Bares
Distribution of Relative Abundance of Potential Prey of Spotted Sandpipers (Actitis Macularia L.) on Little Pelican Island, Leech lake, Cass Co., Minnesota, Donald Louis Rubbelke
An Analysis of the Piscine Parasitofauna of Four North Dakota Streams, Daniel R. Sutherland
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Some aspects of Reproduction in Captive Mountain Lions Felis Concolor, Bobcats Lynx Rufus and Lynx Lynx Canadensis, Clifford F. Mehrer
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Movement, Reproduction and Ecological Relationship of Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus (Rafinesque), in the Little Missouri River, North Dakota, 1972-1973, Gene Van Eeckhout
Ecology of Sago Pondweed (Potamogeton Pectinatus L.) Communities, Alden L. Kollman
Development and Characterization of a Model Latent Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Cultured Cells, James Varani
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Ecology and Life History of the Raccoon (Procyon lotor hirtus Nelson and Goldman) in the Northern Part of its Range, Wayne Fraser Cowan
Morphogenesis of Photoreceptors in the Chick Retina: An Electron Microscopic Study, Mark D. Olson
The Food Habits and Age and Growth of Goldeye, Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in Beaver Creek, Lake Oahe, North Dakota, 1971-72, Paul T. Schadewald
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
The Development of Acoustical Communication in the Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos), Fredrick Dale Caswell
Histological Changes in the Rat's Spleen Induced by Selected Anesthetic Agents, Donald R. Fowler
A Taxonomic and Distributional Study of the Aquatic Vascular Plants of Northeastern North Dakota, Leighton Kaloupek
The Origin and Differentiation of the Thrombocytes of the Chicken (Gallus Domesticus), Thomas M. McNeilis
Nest Morphogenesis and Population Ecology of Two Species of Formica, Donald A. Sather
The Biology and Ecology of River Carpsucker, Carpiodes Carpio (Rafinesque), in the Little Missouri Arm of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Darrell John Trzpuc
Vegetation of the Forest River Biology Area in Relation to Environmental Gradients and Some Patterns and Processes of Nutrient Cycling, Douglas A. Wikum
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Studies on the Mutual Influences of Substrates on Mammalian Alpha-Keto Acid Metabolism, Wayne A. Johnson
Acoustical Communication in the Sharp-Tailed Grouse, Louis Henry Kermott III
Overwintering of Three Species of Snakes in Northwestern Minnesota, Jeffrey W. Lang
The Psammon of Bars and Beaches in Two Small Northwestern Minnesota Streams, Richard D. Urban
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Nesting and Brooding Characteristics of Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus Jamesi Lincoln) in Southwestern North Dakota, Carter Drew Christenson
Ecological Factors Affecting Lateral Distribution of Goldeye Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in the Little Missouri Arm, Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, Stanley I. Johannes
A Comparison of Biological Characteristics of Goldeye, Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in Garrison Reservoir, Donald Eugene Miller
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Reproductive Ecology of Female Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus Jamesi Lincoln) and Food Habits of Broods in Southwestern North Dakota, Lawrence Stanley Bernhoft
Distribution, Food and Life History of Tiger Salamanders in Devils Lake, North Dakota, Gary L. Buchli
An Ecologic Study of an Overloaded Oxidation Lagoon Containing High Populations of Purple Sulfur Bacteria, Harvey W. Holm
A Histochemical and Fine Structural Study of Extracellular Fibrils in the Developing Chick Embryo, James J. O'Connell
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Tumbleweeds: Ecology and Abscission, Donald A. Becker
Airborne Pollen of Native Prairie, Clyde A. Willman
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Triatoma Infestans as an Experimental And Natural Vector of Rauscher Murine Leukemia, Mary Frances Bobo
Metazoan Parasites of the Muskrat, Ondatra Zibethica Cinnamominus, From the English Coulee Grand Forks County, North Dakota, David A. Boyd IV
A Survey of the Commercial Fisheries on the Mainstrem Reservoirs of the Upper Missouri River System, Dean C. Hildebrand
An Autoradiographic Study of the Effect of Beta-Aminopropionitrile on the Prelabeled Mature Collagen of the Prepartum Rat Uterus, James E. Ingli
The Development of Basement Membranes Associated With Vascular Invasion of the Brain in the Chick Embryo, Richard G. Peterson
Depth Distribution of Goldeye, Hiodon Alosoides (Rafinesque), in Moccasin Bay of the Little Missouri Arm of Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, Spencer A. Peterson
Some Effects of Intravenous Administration of Juglone to Anesthetized Dogs, John P. Ries
An Ecological Study of Two Adjacent Microtine Populations, James E. Skaley
A Comparison Study of the Ecological Distribution of Small Mammals in Southwestern North Dakota, Lenette K. Svihovec
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
High Temperature Tolerances of Anuran Amphibians, Russell A. Dean
The Morphology of Blood Vessels Traversing the Subarachnoid Space, William C. Rosen
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Effects of Surface-Active Agents on the Susceptibility of Swiss Mice to Candida Albicans, Harvey W. Holm
Studies on the Structure and Function of Ellipsoid Sheaths of Dog and Cat Spleens, Glenn Dale Jacobsen