Theses/Dissertations from 1965
A Study of the Salinity Tolerances of Three Native Species of Minnows (Pimephales Promelas, Culaea Inconstans and Fundulus Diaphanus) Occurring in Northeastern North Dakota, Kenneth A. Kochsiek
The Spleen of the Genus Citellus: A Histological and Histochemical Study, Sharadan E. Lisk
A Study of the Regression of the Adductor Longus-Pectineus Exostosis of Lathyric and Surgically Stimulated Rats, Arlen R. Severson
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
A Study of the Mesodermal Elements in The Developing, Adult and Ijured Rat Brain, Dean E. Hillman
Soils and other factors affecting the distribution of two species of pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius, Oscar T. Kalin
A Histo;pgical and Histochemical Study of Developing Rat Spleen: With Special Reference to the Macrophage System, Kenneth D. McFadden
An AutoRadiographic Study of Lathyrish Using Tritiated Thymidine, Dwayne A. Ollerich
The Effect of Hypervitaminosis A on the Skeletal Lesions of Lathyric Rats, Lowell A. Sether
Influence of Protein Diets on the Development of Abnormalities of the Aorta and Skeleton of Mature Lathyric Rats, Harold S. Skjonsby
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Investigation of the Properties of Some Proteins in Non-Aqueous Solution, Vincent Charles Kelley
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
The Biology of the Thatching Ant in North Dakota, Neal A. Weber
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
A Statistical Study of One Thousand Eminent Women, Bertha Beach Tharp