"Observations on the Life History of the Goldeye, Hiodon Alosoides (Raf" by Robert N. Hieb

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The life history and population structure of goldeye, Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque), in Moccasin Bay, Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, were investigated during 1966 and 1967. This species had not been commercially exploited in this impoundment, but current populations indicate that a commercial fishery can be supported.

A gill net fished from the surface to the bottom captured 885 goldeye in 1966. Total-length, weight, and sex were recorded and scale samples collected. The length-frequency of the catch was plotted, and average rate of growth of seven year-classes was calculated by examination of scales from 365 fish. Length-weight relationships and sex ratios were determined. The ages at which sexual dimorphism of the anal fin could be recognized were established.

Experimental gill nets fished in surface waters took 1,601 goldeye in the spring of 1967. Spawning activity and duration were related to surface water temperatures at various reservoir locations. A sex ratio was calculated from 531 fish captured at spawning sites. Fecundity was calculated for each of 25 gravid females, and age at sexual maturity was determined from 25 females and 10 males in spawning condition. Fine-mesh plankton nets were used in unsuccessful attempts to collect spawned ova. Twenty-five stomachs were collected, and the frequency of occurrence of food organisms was noted. Parasitic helminths were collected from the alimentary tracts of 30 goldeye, and all were identified as Bothriocephalus cuspidatus Cooper.
