"Movement and Behavior of Walleye, Stizostedion Vitruem Vitreum (Mitche" by Clinton B. Hall

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Radio biotelemetry was used to study the movements and behavior of walleyes in Jamestown Reservoir during the summer of 1980. Four walleyes weighing from 1.7 to 4.4 kg were surgically implanted with radio transmitters. Only one fish could be successfully tracked. It was found that conductivity prevented the reception of radio signals from water deeper than 4.5 m. In 1981, eight walleyes were surgically implanted with ultrasonic transmitters. The ultrasonic transmitters performed as expected. Seven walleyes were successfully tracked throughout the summer. Two of the walleyes appeared to be nomadic and did not form activity areas. Five walleyes formed activity areas, with two fish having multiple activity areas. The average size of the activity area was 45.4 ha. Three types movement patterns were observed; directional, random, and movements following the shoreline. Walleyes were seldom found resting. The walleyes moved into deeper water as the summer progressed. Four to five meters was the average locational depth. Light did not limit the fish's activity in shallow water. No relationship was evident between weather conditions and other outside influences on walleye activity.
