Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Audit Committees: Some Considerations, James L. Fandrich
Discrimination Learning Sets in Children, Sandra Harrell Fenner
Systems, Adaptation, and The Business Firm, Jerry Goen
Perceptions and Images of the Living Environment: Potential Applications to Planning, Richard W. Gray
Paleozoology of cores from the Tyler Formation (Pennsylvanian) in North Dakota, U.S.A., James C. Grenda
Unionization of the Military, Ltc. Lavern E. Hammers
Reciprocity of Self-Disclosure at High Levels of Intimacy, William P. Hampes
An Inquiry into Practices and Problems of Transfer Prices, Richard E. Hansen
The Differentiation of Mercury Species in Submicrogram Quantities in Aqueous Solution, David A. Hildebrand
The Piano Works of Franicis Poulenc, Diana Skroch Jewett
Factors Leading to Interest Group Success in the North Dakota Legilative Process, Thomas Q. Jones
Pinnated Grouse (Tympanuchus Cupido Pinnatus) Movements and Habitat Utilization in the Northern Great Plains, Jeffrey P. Jorgenson
A Comparison of the Age and Growth of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) in Lake Audubon and Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, 1978, Steven W. Kelsch
Attitudes of Freshmen Legislators in the 1977 North Dakota Legislative Session, Lois J. Klostreich
Steam Navigation on the Red River of the North 1859-1881, Donald S. Lilleboe
Unaudited Financial Statements: Some Implications, James Lochow
A Study of the Attitudes of Selected Sixth Grade Students Concerning Social Studies, Norman C. Machart
Petrology of the alaskites of the Boulder batholith, Montana, Kenneth C. Malick
Vice and Violence in Ward County, North Dakota: 1905-1920, Michael J. Martin
Expanding Expressions Involving Experiments in Painting, Sculpture, and Intanglio Printing, Rheta Mae Mason
Antonio Callado's Reflections of the Ball and Some Reflections on its Translation, Harriet S. McClelland
An Exploratory Study of Male Primary Teachers: Their Perceptions of Professional Status and Potential for Increasing Their Number, Byron L. Meek
The Educational Cooperative Service Unit as Perceived by School Board Presidents, Administrators, and Teachers in Planning Regions One and Two of Northwestern Minnesota, William R. Nachatilo
An Analysis of Job Task and Organizational Environment in Relationship to Human Needs, Allen K. Nichols
Your Secretary - A Hidden Asset, Curtis D. Pearson
The Buell Military Commission: A Microcosm of the Union Command Problem, Mark Peine
The late Cenozoic geology of west-central Minnesota from Moorhead to Park Rapids, Roderic L. Perkins
Three Methods of Evaluation, Catherine J. Pery
The Use of Paradoxical Anxiety Instructions in an Interview Setting: An Analogue Study, Peter C. Peterson
Clause-by-Clause Listing of Teacher Association of Teacher Association and School Board Agreements in Effect in Selected North Dakota School District in June 30, 1976, Charles W. Potter
One Means of Providing Long-Term Financial Security for the Average American Family, Karl Provost
Modality Specific Predicate Usage and Imagery Vividness, Joann C. Russell
A Comparison of Groups' Judgments during the Screening of Normally-Developing and Language-Impaired Children, Karen Louise Ruttledge
Role Orientation of Women Legislators in the North Dakota Legislature, Doris Wilke Sanders
The Relationship Between Degree of Sobriety in Male Alcoholics and Coping Styles Used by their Wives, Jack B. Schaffer
Effects of Television on Rural Minnesota Viewer Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment, Beverly Brown Schulke
Moral Judgments and Peer Group Cooperation: Are They Related?, Roberta A. Schwab-Stephens
The Relationship Between Changes in Articulatory Performance and Changes in Oral Sterognostic Ability in Children, Arlene A. Smolak
Techniques for Preparing 35-MM Title Slides to Enrich Mediated Instruciton in Industrial Arts Education, Keith A. Stenehjem
Do Accountants Communicate?, Kay L. Storbakken
Milton R. Young: Dirt Farmer to United States Senator 1932-1945, Stephen Grant Sylvester
Personality Characteristics and Effeciveness of Paraprofessional Addiction Counselors, James H. Thrower
An Investigation Between Field Dependence, Sex Role Identification and Attitudes, Male Versus Female Dominated Career Choice, and Dependency Behavior, Patricia A. Torness
Correlation of Glacial sediments Using Heavy-Minerals Assemblages, Terrance O. Traynor
Effectiveness of Child-Management Training, Candace Joan Varvil
An Analysis of Single-Family Housing and Certain Alternatives to Alleviate the Market Depression, Jerome G. Walding
Linear Limitations of Two-Dimensional Drawing, Benedict Gi-Ling Wang
A Comparison of Attitude Change in Senior Citizen and College Age Subjects, Carl R. Westphal
Western North Dakota lignite strip mining processes and resulting subsurface characteristics, Laramie M. Winczewski
The Relationship Between the North Dakota State Industrial Commission and the Bank of North Dakota, Ralph M. Wood
Curriculum Research in Marketing Education, Robert F. Wood
Qualified Audit Opinions: Some Views, James J. Wosepka
Stratigraphy and paleontology of the upper Cretaceous Morden Member (Vermilion River Formation) in the outcrop area, northeastern North Dakota, Fredrick D. Wosick
Attitudes of Preschool Caregivers Toward their Work, David Michael Anthony Wright
Extra-Territorial Zoning in North Dakota, Lawrence Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Pleistocene geology of the Comstock-Sebeka area, west-central Minnesota, Curtis A. Anderson
REIT vs. Direct Investment, Richard L. Bain
Nutrient Relations of Some Northern Minnesota Forest Communities, Richard H. Bares
Nonverbal Immediacy in Dyads as a Function of Degree of Acquaintance and Locus of Control, Bryan D. Bartels
Some Effects of Model Status on the Reduction of Anxiety, Barbara Jane Benner
Quality Control Through Coordination with Existing Auditing Standards, Donald E. Berg
Effects of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 on Pensions, Donald F. Berger
Considerations Involving the Ascertainment of Contingent Legal Liabilities in the Audit Process, John C. Berg
The Supreme Court, Philosophy and Freedom of Choice: An Analysis, Walter N. Blevins
On the Dutch expletive and related syntactic problems, Kornelis J. Boot
Incumbency and Turnover in United States House Elections 1934-1974, Vincent A. Borlaug
Relationships Among Teacher and Pupil Self-Concept and Pupil Reading Achievement at the First Grade Level, Verna L. Brantley
Futures Reasearch: A New Approach to Long-Range Corporate Planning, Conley A. Byrnes
Effects of Emotional Inoculation and Supportive Therapy on Stress Incurred from Nursing Home Placement, Mary B. Carman
History of the University of North Dakota Honors Program, David Crane
Program Budgeting in Institutions of Higher Education, Daniel Danielson
A Comparative Study of Community Influentials and the Average Citizen, Dawn Doyle
Affective Influences on Nonverbal Immediacy, Steven F. Dreyer
The Behavioral Aspects of Managerial Accounting, Duane Dunn
Foraminiferids of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene, Danian) in western North Dakota, William E. Fenner
Congressional Oversight of the Executive Agencies:, Michael J. Flynn
The glacial geology of McKenzie County, North Dakota, Clark Clark Fulton
An Analysis of Perceptions of Job Specifications for Secondary Principals as Viewed by Principals and Teachers in Selected Minnesota Secondary Schools, Ervin F. Garbe Jr.
Experiments and Observations in Painting and Serigraphy, Steve R. Garner
The Effects Upon Specific Nonverbal Behaviors of Focusing Student Clinician's Attention on These Behaviors Through Videotape Feedback and Instruction, Pamela Hagen Gudmundson
Relationship Between Student Participation in a Secondary School Reading Program and Selected School Performance Variables, Marylin Jean (Walter) Guy
The Role of the Senate State and Federal Government Standing Committee During the 1975 North Dakota Legislative Assembly, Paulette C. Hansen
A Comparison of the Effects of Timeout, Punishment and Extinction on an Aggressive Behavior in Children, Diane M. Harder
The Effect of the Presence of an Unfamiliar Peer on Stranger Preference and Separation from the Mother in 15-Month-Olds, Robert Arlyn Harms
Various Tax Options for Farmers and Ranchers, Karen Helland
Foreign Investments of German Industrials in South Carolina, Eddie C. Hollins
The Frontier Judicial System of Dakota Territory, 1861-1873, Bernard F. Hyatt
Guidelines for a North Dakota Industrial Education Safety Manual, Hubert L. Ivie
Guidelines for a North Dakota Industrial Education System Manual, Hubert L. Ivie
Determining Competence in Management Services, Kathleen Jacobs
Expectancy and Apparatus Placebo Effects in an EMG Feedback Task, Ryan Douglas Jagim
Development and Implementation of an Inquiry-Oriented Mapping Curriculum in the Intermediate Grades, William Whitney Janeway
Replacement Cost Accounting and the SEC, Craig A. Jensen
The design and evaluation of a course in conversational Indonesian, Marit Ann Kana
The Nature of Audit Evidence and the Role of Statistical Sampling in the Gathering of Sufficient and Competent Evidential Matter, Wayne G. Kindem
Special Problems of the Small Business, Teresa Kjelshus
Auditing of Electronic Data Processing Systems, Gary Lipetzky
Distinctive Personality and Discipline Characteristics of Child-Neglecting Mothers, Robert J. Loveland
An Analysis of Supervision During the Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY), Alison M. Lyngby
Judgment Analysis and Learning Disabilities: An Empirical Procedure for Construct Explication, Walter S. Mabee