"Experiments and Observations in Painting and Serigraphy" by Steve R. Garner

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Art & Design


This thesis discusses the concepts and techniques I used while a graduate student in painting and printmaking.

In the area of painting I have utilized many diverse methods and materials. I discuss the actual painting application and the special surface I prepared to paint on. In application, I dwelled on studying the bleeding of one color through another with oil base paints. I could control the bleeding process by altering the application techniques through the use of different applicators. The special surface I prepared was made up of styrofoam insulation board, lathe stripping and cotton fabric. The complete preparation of the painting surface is described in this thesis.

In printmaking I have dwelled on concept rather than on technique although I have utilized experimentation to my advantage in this process as well and those individual techniques are mentioned. The prints take off on a theme of imaginative fantasies with realistic images put in strange situations. The prints are divided naturally into three areas of conceptual growth, that of the strict paint run images to the landscape narrative, and on to the implementation of the figure.
