Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Postglacial ostracod distribution and paleoecology, Devils Lake basin, northeastern North Dakota, James B. Van Alstine
An Investigative Approach to the Collagraph, Melissa B. Walker
How different is Public Utility Accounting?, Paul J. Weinand
The Effects of a Life Career Planning Course on Self-Esteem, Career Maturity, and Sex-Role Stereotypes, Judith Juhala Weist
Implications of Sunbelt Cities Growth, Vincent Werner
Design and Testing of an Externally Powered Elbow Prosthesis, David E. Weston
Design and Testing of an Externally Powered Elbow Prosthesis, David E. Weston
A grammatical sketch of Berik, Peter N. Westrum
Petrology of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Lytle Creek area, Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming, Stanely F. White
Molluscan paleontology of the Pliocene Peace Valley "beds" and Ridge Route "formation" (Ridge Basin group), Ridge Basin, southern California, Daniel R. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Unreasonable Accumulations of Corporate Earnings and Profits, Roger W. Andersen
A Descriptive Analysis of Language and Cognition in Congenitally Blind Children Ages 3 Through 9, David Wm. Anderson
Aquatic Invertebrates and Water Chemistry of Strip-Mine Ponds in Western North Dakota, Donald Llewllyn Batema
Cognitive Changes During the Grief Process, Barbara J. Benner
The Zero-Base Budgeting, Paul A. Bernier
Zero-base budgeting and government spending, David E. Bosanco
Distribution of Five Elements in Lignite Liquefaction Process Streams, Val Brubaker Carver
A Survey of Vocal Characteristics in a Sample of Adult Rheumatoid Arthritics, Janine B. Chenier
Political Economy of Multinational Corporations in Nigeria, Cliff C. Chinaka-Jaja
A Study of Grievances from Minnesota Teacher Contracts with Emphasis on Contract Language, Daniel R. Daehlin
Review and Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Dividend Policy on Corporate Growth, Charles Paul Dubort
A Study of Four Arts Enrichment Activities, Mary Etten-Johnson
Geology of igneous extrusive and intrusive rocks in the Sundance area, Crook County, Wyoming, Earl F. Fashbaugh
Learned Helplessness: Affect in Relation to Facilitation and Interference Effects, Thomas R. Foster
The Independent Public Accountant's Legal Liability to Third Parties when Attesting to Financial Statements, Gregory S. Furness
Five Issues to Consider in Developing a New Transportation Policy, Stephen J. Garry
The Learning Package as an Instructional Tool for Non-Certified Pre-Kindergarten Teaching Personnel, Daniel James Gartrell
Tax Planning Considerations for a Subchapter S Corporation, Frank Gersich
Comparative Role of State and Federal Government in Food Policy, Beverly D. Grafel
Privacy - A Contemporary Management Problem, Harvey Greenberg
Lexicon of bedrock stratigraphic names of North Dakota, Joanne Van Ornum Groenewold
Lignite Fly Ash Flue Gas Desulfurization Sludge Leaching by Laboratory Scale Methods, Harvey A. Gullicks
Zero-Base Budgeting Implementation in Voluntary Health and Welfare Organizations, Kenneth Guyette
A Study of Friedrich Durrenmatt's Hero in Romulus Der Grosse, Der Besuch Der Alten Dame, and Die Physiker, Helen Weber Hausler
Depositional environments and diagenesis of the Mississippian Bottineau interval (Lodgepole) in North Dakota, Thomas J. Heck
The Rural Application of Crime Prevention, Michael Hill
Petroleum potential of the Tilston interval (Mississippian) of central North Dakota, John P. Himebaugh
A Preliminary Investigation of Physical-Chemical Treatment of Slagging Gasifier Aqueous Effluent, Kirk B. Hird
Capitation Budgeting In The Military Health Services System, Robert J. Hogg
Capitation Budgeting in the Military Health Services System, Robert J. Hogg
Erisa and The Accountant, Gregory Honl
The Effects of Imaginal Strategies, Trait Anxiety and Sex Differences on Skin Temperature and Attentional Bias, Ryan D. Jagim
Aspects of Sedimentology and Fluvial Morphology of a Part of the Little Missouri River, North Dakota, Paul C. Jeffcoat-Sacco
A Study of the Activation of Carbon Dioxide of North Dakota Lignite, Rodney J. Kadrmas
Accounting and Reporting for Oil and Gas Producing Companies, Frank A. Kaiser
Consumer Motivation Affecting the Purchase of Sears Service Maintenance Contracts in the Minot Area, Daniel E. Kearney
Moral Judgment and Life Experiences, Edward P. Kehrwald
Breeding Behavior and Reproductive Success of Chipping Sparrows in Northwestern Minnesota, Mary E. Keller
Internal Control -- It's Importance to those Within the Business and FInancial Community, Juliana M. Kierstein
Examination of the Therapeutic Process in a Juvenile Probation Setting and Further Validation of the Group Assessment of Interpersonal Traits (GAIT), Douglas D. Knowlton
Historical Development of the Teaching of Writing, John P. Landwehr
A Comparison of Federal Income Taxation of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Mary O. Loyland
A Philosophical Analysis of Cooper's Principles of Aerobics, Rea M. MacKey
Paleoecology of late quaternary Molluscan-Ostracod assemblages from the Norwood site, southeastern Minnesota, Kevin L. Malmquist
Job Satisfaction in Public Accounting, Elroy C. Marcusen
Applied geology in the Beulah-Hazen area, Mercer County, west-central North Dakota, Gary N. Meyer
The University of North Dakota Tax Provisions affecting exempt organizations, Carol Ann Mielke
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Teacher Education Alternatives Model at St. Cloud State University, Judith E. Minier
The geohydrology and hydrogeochemistry of the proposed Garrison Lignite Mine, Kevin Morin
The Geology and Geohydrology of the Sunny Slide Area Mandan, North Dakota, Edward C. Murphy
The Accounting profession and the SEC, Linda J. Myers
The Planning-Programming-Budgeting System: A Literature Review from a MBA Viewpoint, Randy L. Newman
Internal and External Context Effects Upon the Types of Information Encoded From Pictures, James G. Penland
A Financial Planning Model for Institutions of Higher Education, Keith M. Peterson
Specialty Accreditation in the Accounting Profession: A Questions of Time?, Ronald Peterson
Liqiud-Liquid Extraction as an Alternative Separation Technique for Ethanol-Water Solutions, Michael Pirc
Federal Legislation for Flexible Working Schedules, Eugene H. Powell Jr
The Internal Auditor, Barbara Pratt
The Internal Auditor, Barbara Pratt
Management of U.S. Forest Industry Lands: Challenge Ahead, David P. Ranker
Petrology of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of the Tinton district, Black Hills, South Dakota - Wyoming, John T. Ray
Administration of Natural Gas Regulation, Kent Reierson
Heterogenous Catalysis of Solvent Refined Lignite to Obtain Chemical Feed Stocks, John R. Rindt
Audit Committees: An Objective Appraisal, Curtis W. Rittenbach
Course Offerings: A Function of Reimbursement Rates, Gerald Roth
A Comparison of Statistical and Non-Statistical Sampling in Accounting Auditing, James Ryan
The German-Russian Brauche, Dawn Schock
Relative Hemispheric Involvement During Arousal and Inhibition of Affect, Steven L. Shearer
The History of the Kings of Britain From the Fall of Troy to the Death of Gogmagog: An Edition with a Grammar of the Language and a Glossary, James Th. Simmons
Magnetic anomalies over a portion of the Granite Mountains, central Wyoming, Larry F. Smyers
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms and Communication in Greater Prairie Chickens (Tympanuchus Cupido) and Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus), Donald W. Sparling Jr.
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applicaitons, Lowell P. Stanlake
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applications, Lowell P. Stanlake
Essentials of Electronic Circuits for Selected Medical Technology Instrumentation Applications, Lowell P. Stanlake
Spring and Summer Ecology of Female Greater Prairie Chickens in Northwestern Minnesota, W. Daniel Svedarsky
A Study of a Selected School Theatre Arts Program, Jonathan Charles Tabbert
A Study of Natural Language Phonetic Symbolism, David B. Tarr
Nembi discourse structure, Ruth A. Tipton
A Study of the Growth and Decline of North Dakota Towns, 1920-1970, Christopher Troseth
Subsurgace Correlation of the Snow School Formation, Horseshoe Valley Formation, and Medicine Hill Formation, Daniel M. Walker
Self-Esteem Effects in the Measurement of Sex-Role Orientation, Steven H. Weaver
Analyzing the Relative Equity of School Aid Distribution Relating to Oil and Gas Tax, Employing Impact Aid, Property Tax, and Severance Tax Systems, Harry Lee Weisenberger
An Evaluation of the "Mainstream" Connection: Supporting the Regular Teacher, Jerry James Wellik
Determination of Terrestrial Heat Flow in Southeastern North Dakota, Dean A. Zabel
An Evaluation of Real Estate as a Tax Shelter, Larry J. Zine