Theses/Dissertations from 1978
A Test of Carl Gustav Jung's Theory: The Relationship of Extraversion -- Introversion to Values, Age, Sex, and Familial Status, Paul T. Hirdman
The Modification of a Five Ton Janitorial Reversing Heat Pump to a Dual Evaporator, Heating-only Heat Pump, Marty D. Hoffman
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Professional Corporation, Douglas W. Hupke
A Study of Jacques Maritain's Concept of the Habitus and its Relationship to Musical Performance, Loren Jechort
Cole Porter's 'Kiss Me, Kate' Adapted for "Micro-Touring", Roger T. Kalinowski
Analysis and Some of the Obstacles to Inflation Accounting, William W. Kapala
Analysis and Some of The Obstacles to Inflation Accounting, William W. Kapala
A Study of Positive and Negative Verbal and Nonverbal Consequences, Nancy Kienzle
Inflation Accounting: Does it Provide Useful Information?, Bryan T. Lawler
Nonalignment as Yugoslav Foreign Policy, Robert L. Leninger
Abstracting the Familiar, Michael T. Lysenko
In Mild Defiance of Rectangular Stability, Robert A. Matz
A Study of Elementary Accreditation in North Dakota, Rick E. McClure
The Role of Emotional Discharge in the Resolution of Grief, Anne M. Metzger
Batik, Robert H. Miller
An analysis of Section 306 of the Internal Revenue Code, Holly K. Monek
History of the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at the University of North Dakota, Terri R. Morris
Capital Budgeting in the Medium Size Firm, Gary S. Myrand
Hypnotic Age Regression and the Occurrence of Transitional Object Relationships, Michael Robert Nash
Field Independence and Cognitive Flexibility in Creative Test Performance, Joel Patrick Newman
A History of Coal Development in North Dakota, Colleen A. Oihus
A geomagnetic survey of Pembina, Grand Forks, and eastern Walsh counties, North Dakota, Howard E. Okland
Paleoecology of a late quaternary biota at the McClusky Canal Site, central North Dakota, Linda E. Okland
Management Fraud: Equity Funding's Implications for the Auditing Profession, Jeanne R. Palmer
An Analysis of Selected Speeches of A. C. Townley, 1915-1921, Alice C. Poehls
In Vitro Studies on the Methylation of DNA in Rat Brain and Liver Chromatin, Douglas P. Quick
Prenatal Zinc Deficiency and Stress in the Rat, Michael Charles Rowe
Heat flow and heat production studies in North Dakota, Richard Scattoline
The Conflict Over the Construction of a Major, James Schlick
Calculation of Galois groups, Daniel Schnackenberg
Freezing Unbound Images, Linda K. Shaw
The phonology of Texmelucan Zapotec verb irregularity, Charles H. Speck
Petrology of sandstones from the Bullion Creek and Sentinel Butte Formations (Paleocene), Little Missouri Badlands, North Dakota, Mark A. Steiner
Bench-Scale Study of Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides Absoption by Nahcolite and Trona, Frederick R. Stern
The Transmutation of Self in Childhood, Craig David Stevens
Preferences for Male or Female Counselors as Related to Student-Counselee Sex, Grade Level, Type of Presenting Concern and Self-Esteem, Mary Jane Sullivan
A Study of General Price-Level Accounting, Gray M. Sunderman
Artist's Statement, Margaretha Maria Tettero
The Effect Of Government Regulation On The Profitability Of Drug Manufactures, Thoman E. Thorenson
Analysis of Financial Satements: Current Value Versus Historical Cost, Jerry A. Topp
Physical Contact in Psychotherapy, Cassandra Lynne Tyson
Jehan Alain: Selected Organ Works, Mark Weston Unkenholz
A Study of Incumbency and the Coattail Effect in General Elections in North Dakota 1968-1976, Gretchen Vaaler
Rheological Study of Solvent Refined Lignite Melts, Ajit Venkatraman
An Analysis of Selected Practices in Teaching First-Year Gregg Shorthand in United States High Schools, Richard L. Wedell
The Rhame bed (Slope Formation, Paleocene), a silcrete and deep weathering profile, in southwestern North Dakota, Barbara D. Wehrfritz
A Look at Credit Unions, Daniel Whisler
Investigations of Population Structure and Relative Abundance of Year-Classes of Buffalo Fishes, Ictiobus Spp., In Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, David W. Willis
Commander's Call and the Air Force Now Film: Meeting the needs of Air Force Internal Communcation?, Joseph G. Wojtecki Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
A Comparison of Two Methods for Recording and Analyzing Supervisory Conferences, Pamela J. Anderson
A Study of Hermann Hesse's Philosophy of Education: An Analysis of His Novel Steppenwolf and its Relationship to Jung's Individuation Process, Richard Lloyd Anderson
The Development and Standardization of a Reflective Eye Movement Questionnaire, Barbara Ann Arneson
International Accounting: Past, Present and Future, Lawrence Bach
Self-Concept in Children of Alcoholics, David J. Baraga
The Relationship of Social and Maturational Variables to Development of Field-Dependence in Preschoolers: A Longitudinal Study, Elizabeth S. Baraga
Auditor Independence: Some Important Issues, Scott T. Beiswenger
Majority Rule: An Analysis of Majoritarianism and Its Justifications, John P. Belter
Correlates of Perceived and Experienced Life Stress, Jerry Allan Boriskin
The Transvestitie Female Shakespearean Phenomenon: Charlotte Cushman's Romeo and Sar Bernhardt's Hamlet, Ellen Boyer
Combined Law Enforcement Council Grants: An Empirical Study, Bruce Brenner
Automatic the Audit Process and the Impact of the Microcomputer, James Britton
The Role of North Dakota Health Council in State Government, Terry Brosseau
Choosing a Form of Organization for a Small Business, Leslie J. Burroughs
Glacial stratigraphy of southeastern North Dakota, Michael Camara
Millon's Active-Passive and Independent-Dependent Personality Dimensions as Predictors of Behavior in a Competitive Task, Kenneth M. Carlson
Executive Compensation in the United States, James Clements
Human Resource Accounting: A Current Assessment, Luise Correa
An Assessment of the Social Science Program at a Selected North Dakota Public School, Lynn M. Davidson
Administrative Role Perceptions of North Dakota Elementary School Principals as Related to Five Selected Dimensions of Administrative Function, Rodney A. DeSautel
Population Changes of North Dakota's Rural Trade Centers, 1960-1970, Charles L. Durrenberger
The Role of the North Dakota Electrical Board in State Government, Jack E. Eakman
Distribution of Fishes in the James River in North Dakota and South Dakota Prior to Garrison and Oahe Diversion Projects, Dean S. Elsen
Effects of Length of Residence on Resident Adjustment in Nursing Homes, Jeanine Elaine Kotschwar Entingh
Subdued Imagery of Watercolor and Oils Through Experimentation of Technique, Dona D. Erickson
Audit Committees: Some Considerations, James L. Fandrich
Discrimination Learning Sets in Children, Sandra Harrell Fenner
Systems, Adaptation, and The Business Firm, Jerry Goen
Perceptions and Images of the Living Environment: Potential Applications to Planning, Richard W. Gray
Paleozoology of cores from the Tyler Formation (Pennsylvanian) in North Dakota, U.S.A., James C. Grenda
Unionization of the Military, Ltc. Lavern E. Hammers
Reciprocity of Self-Disclosure at High Levels of Intimacy, William P. Hampes
An Inquiry into Practices and Problems of Transfer Prices, Richard E. Hansen
The Differentiation of Mercury Species in Submicrogram Quantities in Aqueous Solution, David A. Hildebrand
The Piano Works of Franicis Poulenc, Diana Skroch Jewett
Factors Leading to Interest Group Success in the North Dakota Legilative Process, Thomas Q. Jones
Pinnated Grouse (Tympanuchus Cupido Pinnatus) Movements and Habitat Utilization in the Northern Great Plains, Jeffrey P. Jorgenson
A Comparison of the Age and Growth of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) in Lake Audubon and Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, 1978, Steven W. Kelsch
Attitudes of Freshmen Legislators in the 1977 North Dakota Legislative Session, Lois J. Klostreich
Steam Navigation on the Red River of the North 1859-1881, Donald S. Lilleboe
Unaudited Financial Statements: Some Implications, James Lochow
A Study of the Attitudes of Selected Sixth Grade Students Concerning Social Studies, Norman C. Machart
Petrology of the alaskites of the Boulder batholith, Montana, Kenneth C. Malick
Vice and Violence in Ward County, North Dakota: 1905-1920, Michael J. Martin
Expanding Expressions Involving Experiments in Painting, Sculpture, and Intanglio Printing, Rheta Mae Mason
Antonio Callado's Reflections of the Ball and Some Reflections on its Translation, Harriet S. McClelland
An Exploratory Study of Male Primary Teachers: Their Perceptions of Professional Status and Potential for Increasing Their Number, Byron L. Meek
The Educational Cooperative Service Unit as Perceived by School Board Presidents, Administrators, and Teachers in Planning Regions One and Two of Northwestern Minnesota, William R. Nachatilo
An Analysis of Job Task and Organizational Environment in Relationship to Human Needs, Allen K. Nichols
Your Secretary - A Hidden Asset, Curtis D. Pearson