"20 Most Popular National Universities" by University of North Dakota

20 Most Popular National Universities

Document Type

News Article

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Campus Unit

University of North Dakota


Recently UND was named to the U.S. News & World Report's list of the 20 Most Popular National Universities based on yield rates for enrollment. The ranking was based on yield rates, meaning the number of students who chose to attend each institution versus the number of students accepted to the institution. On the list, UND ranked in ninth place, ahead of MIT and Princeton, among others.

Said Dr. Robert Boyd, Vice President for Student Affairs, "The University of North Dakota is proud to be in the company of many fine institutions. The special emphasis we place on staying in touch with students we recruit is our commitment to excellence in our student body. And, it is part of our commitment to the President's vision of having The University of North Dakota move from great to exceptional."

The University has enjoyed increased enrollment in recent years, including the 2010-2011 academic year. Boyd said, "Each of the students who we either have actively recruited or who have made contact with us are provided with a personal URL that allows us to personalize the information that we provide to them, and provide them information that is consistent with their interest areas. This active engagement with students, we believe, encourages students to seriously consider attending The University of North Dakota."

  1. Brigham Young University - Provo
  2. Harvard University
  3. Stanford University
  4. Georgia Southern University
  5. University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  6. University of Alaska - Fairbanks
  7. Yale University
  8. Idaho State University
  9. University of North Dakota
  10. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  11. Yeshiva University
  12. Kansas State University
  13. University of Pennsylvania
  14. University of Memphis
  15. Oral Roberts University
  16. Princeton University
  17. University of New Orleans
  18. University of Alabama - Huntsville
  19. University of Florida
  20. Columbia University
