"Report on Tribal Land and Water Programs, Undated" by author unknown


author unknown



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Date of Work

Undated, but displays data from 1949.


This undated report, author unknown, contains economic and agricultural data related to the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota, along with narrative sections detailing measures that must be taken in order for the population to overcome the serious handicaps arising due to the inundation of 155,000 acres of bottomland. Some of the narrative sections are written from the point of view of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota, using first-person pronouns, for example: "The Three Affiliated Tribes...realizing that if we are to become self-reliant in agriculture, we must find the means to..." whereas others appear written from a more bureaucratic point of view.

Some of the information and wording in this document appears in US Public Law 81-437, which came to be known as "The Taking Act."

See also:

Draft of a Bill to Establish the Procedure for Taking of Indian Lands and Rights for the Missouri River Development Projects; to Protect Indian Tribal and Personal Rights; to Provide for the Rehabilitation and to Secure the Economic Independence of said Indians

An Act to Vest Title to Certain Lands of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, in the United States, and to Provide Compensation Therefor

Date of Work



Garrison Dam, Garrison Diversion, The Taking Act, Taking Act, Public Law 81-437, PL 437, Three Affiliated Tribes, MHA Nation, land taking, land seizure, mineral rights, relocation

Organizations Referenced

Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Army Corps of Engineers, United States Army, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior

Report on Tribal Land and Water Programs, Undated
