"Letter from Governor Aandahl to Roy Wier Regarding Garrison Dam Pool L" by Fred G. Aandahl



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This letter, dated July 2, 1949 from North Dakota Governor Fred G. Aandahl to United States (US) Representative Roy W. Wier, makes reference to page 3396 of the March 29 Congressional Record for the House, where Wier is recorded as having voted for the Lemke-Burdick amendment limiting the Garrison Dam pool level to 1,830 feet. Aandahl informs Wier that as Governor and as a member of the Missouri Basin Inter-Agency Committee and the North Dakota State Water Commission, he has always supported a pool level of 1,850 feet, explaining that it is in the best interests of the state as it will be cost effective, have greater capacity for irrigation and flood control, provide more power, and be a permanent improvement. He adds that projected damage to upstream areas has been overstated and that although land owners should be compensated, their losses cannot stand in the way of "area-wide improvement." Aandahl concludes by asking Wier to support a pool level of 1,850 when it comes up again in the US House.

Date of Work



pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level, State Water Commission of North Dakota, flooding, flood protections, land acquisition, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, Lemke-Burdick Amendment

Organizations Referenced

State Water Commission of North Dakota, Missouri Basin Inter-Agency Committee

People Referenced

Roy W. Wier, Fred G. Aandahl

Letter from Governor Aandahl to Roy Wier Regarding Garrison Dam Pool Level Legislation, July 2, 1949
