Theses/Dissertations from 1936
Some Political and Diplomatic Aspects of the Treaty of Washington, Raymond Joseph Gewerth
A Survey of the Schools in Tower County, North Dakota, Theodore S. Grimsrud
A Survey of the School Situation in Walsh County with Recommendations for Reorganization, Willard Clinton Hanson
The Extent and Nature of Cooperative Part-Time Vocational Training in Public High Schools of the United States: Part I, L. Clifford Herness
The Chemistry Subject-Matter for Integrated Curriculums, George S. Klovstad
A Financial and Population Survey of the School Districts of Williams County, North Dakota, Ivar Knapp
A Study of the Legal Relationship Between Public and Private Schools, Sigvold T. Lillehaugen
A Reorganization of State Educational Support in North Dakota, Walter M. Loomer
An Experiment in the Motivation of Certain Conduct Traits in a Public Graded Elementary School, George H. Mayer-Oakes
Teaching Cooperation, Gordon McConnell
Supervised Study in a Small High School, O. E. Nestvold
A History of Homestead Legislation, Ella S. Quam
A Study of School Costs in Red Lake County With a Proposal for a Large District with Plumber as a Center, Aleck M. Ripple
A Transcription of the Last Twenty-Six Folios of Ms. Add. 24202, Donald Jackson Robertson Jr.
Seating Practices Found in the Schoolrooms of the Selected Towns in Ward County, North Dakota, Eugene Whitman Ross
Legal Aspects of Some Causes for Dismissal of Public School Teachers, Hans T. Rosvold
Financial Survey of School Districts in McLean County, Emil F. Sather
A Century of Keats Criticism, Howard B. Senn
A Study of teacher turnover in Montana Schools, Fred Eugene Sheets
Pure Food Legislation of 1906, P. Olaf Sigerseth
The Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America Northwest Division, Hans Snortland
Educational Survey of Grand Forks County, George F. Stewart
Child Guidance Clinics in the United States with Recommendations for a Visiting Clinic in North Dakota, James Lloyd Stone
A Comparison Of The Scholastic Difficulties Of Immigrant And Native American Children In The Schools Of Mott, Hettinger County, North Dakota, Donald G. Stubbins
A Survey of the Building and Financial Conditions of the Farretson Independent School District, Elmer O. Tandberg
A History of the League of Minnesota Municipalities, Oscar E. Thompson
Correlation Between General Intelligence and Music Ability in the Schools of East Grand Forks, Robert B. Walls
Graduate Division of the University of North Dakota, Mildred E. Webster
The sorption of fluoride ion with special reference to fluoride removal from potable waters, Phillip W. West
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Geology and ground water resources of Burke, Divide, Mountrail, and Williams counties in North Dakota, Andrew G. Alpha
The foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey During the Moroccan Crises 1906-1911, Albert Freeman Arnason
A Survey of the Schools in Hettinger County, North Dakota with Special Reference to Expenditures, Receipts, and Inequalities amoung the Districts, Jacob Blickensderfer
The Influence of Emerson upon Walt Whitman, Mary E. Brennan
The Organization and Business Management of High School Athletics in Minnesota, John H. Duckstad
The Palestine Mandate, Peter M. Flaa
Congressional Opposition to Lincoln in the Early Years of the Civil War, Arnold O. Goplen
School Records and Reports, Lawrence W. Hanson
Dormitories For High Schools, Edwin Andreas Jerde
Investigation of the Properties of Some Proteins in Non-Aqueous Solution, Vincent Charles Kelley
The Growth and Decline of Incorporated Farm Trade Centers in North Dakota 1900-1930, Jesse Chester Korthal
Rural Socio-Economic Conditions in Ward County and the Realtions Bewtween Farmers and Townspeople, L. O. Lantis
The Alaska Gold Mining Company and the Cape Nome conspiracy, Waldemar Engvald Lillo
A Study of the Humic Acids of North Dakota Lignite, David M. Mason
A Transcription of the First Twenty-Eight Folios of Ms. Add. 24202, Fred John Mosher
Hawthorne's American Notebooks, Helen Catherine Movius
Lowell As a Critic of Poetry, Agnes Scott Oliver
A Study of Teachers' Meetings in North Dakota Secondary Schools, Axel Harry Pedersen
A Survey of the Teaching of International Relations in the Secondary Schools of North Dakota, Thomas P. Redmond
A Study of School District Reorganization in Polk County, Minnesota, Knut P. B. Reishus
A Comparison of the County Superintendancy and the City Superintendancy of the Largest City in Each County in North Dakota, Elroy Herman Schroeder
The Transportation System of Germany With Some Applications to North Dakota Conditions, Arthur Carl Selke
Current Instructional Problems of Rural Teachers, Allan Alexander Smith
Legal Aspects of Bid Procedure in the Awarding of School Contracts, Ray L. Stern
Contractual and Administrative Principles in School Property Insurance, B. F. Stevens
A Survey of Old Age Pensions: Their Origin, Growth and Present Status, Mildred S. Swenson
The Credit Mobilier, Logan Douglass Trent
Progressive Practices of Teachers in Class B Schools of Minnesota, Ray H. Witt
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
The Prediction of Scholastic Success in a Representative Liberal Arts College, Sigurd O. Aaker
The Vocational Possibilities of the Game of North Dakota, William Louis Angell
Work of School Boards in Grand Forks County, Otto Berg
The Test Performance of the Fort Peck (Montana) Indians, Meinick A. Bodahl
Non-Professional Restrictions Placed Upon Public School Teachers, I. O. Brendsel
Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties for the Violation of State Laws Which go Into the State School Fund, Phillip J. Broen
An Objective Study of the Informational Needs of Parents in Child Psychology, William Ferdinand Bublitz
Differences and Delimiting Factors in Reading Piano Scores, Hermann Frederick Buegel
The Irish Land Acts of 1870, 1881, and 1885, Margaret Philomena Costello
Adult Educational Interests as Indicated by Life-Problems and Membership in Organizations of Unselected Adults, George William Crossman
Studies with Primary Tar Distillate from Dakota Lignite, William A. Franta
The Legal Aspects of the Relationship Between a School District and a Municipality, Clarence J. Gludt
Type and Nature of German Publications in North Dakota, Fred William Gross
Type and Nature of German Publications in North Dakota, Fred William Gross
The Acts and Proposals of Congress to Aid Education From 1857-90, Sam Hagen
The Picaresque Novel in England in the Eighteenth Century, Dorothy Andrews Heckel
An Experimental Study in Association Involving a Comaprison of Two Methods of Learning Latin Vocabulary, Henry M. Hellekson
Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Mexico 1913-1917, D. Wilkes Kelly
Origin of the Irish Free State 1800-1922, Clara Mae Kjos
Financial Survey of Schools of Mckenzie County, North Dakota, Matt Lagerberg
An Improved Method for the Determination of the Total Vapor Pressures of the Various Mixtures in the System, Methyl-Ethyl Alcohols, Raymond George Larson
The Star Route Frauds, John C. McKinnon
The Condensation of Mixed Vapors by Adiabatic Expansion, Clifford Archibald Neros
History of North Dakota Public High Schools, John Almon Page
A Study of Filament Coatings for Positive Ion Emission, Philip Arnold Rognlie
The Preparation of Alpha Brompropionic Acid in the Presence of Various Catalysts, Walter V. Sharp
A County Unit Plan of Purchasing and Distributing School Supplies for North Dakota, Owen D. Shively
A Study of the Inmates of the States Training School and the State penitentiary of North Dakota, Milan Bernie Steig
The Growing Accord Between Science and Religion, George LeRoy White Sr.
The Selection and Gradation of Words in Spelling, Carl Tipton Wise
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
An Evaluation of Dr. Samuel Johnson as a Literary Critic, Anna Mary Ackermann
Further Studies in the Development of North Dakota Lignite, Erwin Hamer Amick Jr.
An Experiment in Junior Business Training, C. Alfred Christoferson
Criticism in Cowper's Task, Helen Swezey Cox
A Method of Organizing Subject Matter in the New Course of Study in Agriculture for Minnesota, William Everett Dowdell
Transcontinental Railroad Legislation 1835 - 1862, Thamar Emelia Dufwa
Transcontinental Railroad Legislation 1835-1862, Thamar Emilia Dufwa
Is India Ready for Dominion Status in the British Commonwealth of Nations, Clarence Frederick Duncan
The Status of the Superintendent in North Dakota, Julius John Elster
Recent Tendencies in Compulsory Attendance in the United States, Sigurd E. Esser
Social Criticism in John Gay's Trivia, Emma Margaret Flammang
The Ants of the North Dakota Badlands, James Ebenezer Goldsberry
The Place of the Attorney General in Minnesota School Law, Otto Haack