Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2021

Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Program Affiliation

Nurse Educator (NE)

First Advisor

Patricia L. Parker


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) nursing students often find that there is little to no education on health issues that directly affect them. Nursing organizations in the United States have continually made the recommendation to nursing programs to implement LGBTQ health issues in their curriculum, but there has been little to no compliance. This can be attributed to the uncertainty of nurse educators in being competent to provide this education. A thorough literature review was conducted to research how nursing programs incorporate education on LGBTQ health issues into their curricula. By incorporating culturally appropriate education into the nursing curriculum, LGBTQ students will feel comfortable joining the nursing workforce. Nursing programs can start by providing faculty development training specific to the LGBTQ population. As nursing students are exposed to LGBTQ education, they will advocate for other students who identify as LGBTQ. Currently, nursing programs provide 2.1 hours of education on LGBTQ health issues despite having more than 170,000 nurses identify as LGBTQ. By providing more education, nursing programs will ensure nurses who enter the workforce will provide non-discriminatory care to LGBTQ patients.

Included in

Nursing Commons