Date of Award

Summer 8-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



Program Affiliation

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

First Advisor

Dr. Karen Semmens


COVID-19 has accelerated an already urgent need for telehealth in the United States. While health care systems have been providing telehealth for years, the number of providers and patients who need to participate in telehealth has ballooned overnight. Though telehealth has been in use for a while, the geriatric population seems to be disadvantaged, especially those who reside in rural settings. Due to increased COVID 19 cases among the elderly population in North Dakota, the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) allocated a grant to the University of North Dakota to promote telehealth in the elderly receiving homecare services in rural and urban areas of North Dakota. The project aim was to promote the use of telehealth to reduce the risk of exposure of Covid 19 among the elderly populations in rural and urban areas in North Dakota. Upon completion of the project, the advanced practitioners will have used video monitoring technologies to complete geriatric modified assessments consisting of medication, mobility, mentation, and what matters most (4Ms).

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