"08/14 Update From Steve" by University of North Dakota

08/14 Update From Steve

Document Type

News Article

Publication Date


Campus Unit

College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines



It is hard to believe that we are a few weeks away from beginning the 2014-2015 Academic Year. I hope that you all have had time to enjoy the warm weather with family & friends, and that you find yourself excited for the upcoming fall semester. A few important developments have occurred within the college that we would like to bring to your attention.

1. Del Quest has successfully defended her dissertation for her doctoral studies. Congratulations to Del!

2. Dr. Tracy Evanson has agreed to serve as Director of the PhD Program in Nursing. Dr. Evanson will continue in her role as the Director of the Advanced Public Health Nurse Program.

3. Bruce Reeves has been appointed to a three year term on the Council on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity and Expression. This council is part of the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE), the accrediting body of Social Work programs within the United States. Congratulations Bruce!

4. Renovations are underway throughout all of the buildings that the CNPD occupies. These renovations will continue to enrich student gathering and faculty collaboration.

5. Congratulations to Pat Thompson, Julie Anderson, and Darlene Hanson who received $48,254 from Derma Sciences, Inc. for their two-year Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study.

6. Congratulations to NAT Program Director, Kevin Buettner, who received $19, 233 from HRSA for the Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship Program.

7. Congratulations to the RAIN Program who received $350,000 from HRSA for their Nursing Workforce Diversity (RAIN II) Program.

8. We would like to welcome Sigrid Letcher to the College as our new Development Officer. Sigrid brings six years of experience from the foundation, and is an excellent addition to the college.

Important Dates

1. August 8th is commencement. 2. August 8th is the Social Work hooding and pinning ceremony. 3. August 20th is the date for the faculty & staff retreat. 4. September 8th the CNPD will hold the annual fall picnic.
