"UND Music to present first opera gala: Una Bella Notte, Thursday, Apri" by Kate Menzies

UND Music to present first opera gala: Una Bella Notte, Thursday, April 25


Kate Menzies

Document Type

News Article

Publication Date


Campus Unit

College of Arts & Sciences


The University of North Dakota's Department of Music is proud to announce the first Opera Gala: Una Bella Notte, which will be held Thursday, April 25, at the historic Masonic Temple Auditorium in Grand Forks. The opera will begin at 8 p.m., and doors will open at 7:30 p.m.

Una Bella Notte means "A Good Evening," in Italian, and audiences can expect an evening of Italian opera performed by promising young artists and established professionals in one of Grand Forks' most historic places.

The gala will feature the works of some of opera's best-known composers including: Mozart, Bellini, Donizetti, Puccini and Verdi. The gala will also feature UND voice faculty, including: Royce Blackburn, Anne Christopherson, Marla Fogderud and Wesley Lawrence as well as voice students: Sara Otteman Bray, Jace Erickson, Kaylee Lackman, Angela Loff and Ryan Olien.

The UND Department of Music has been delighting the Grand Cities area with hundreds of performances a year, but this opera night is something new for the Grand Forks community. Admission is $15 for adults and $5 for seniors and students at the door.

The current Masonic Temple was built in 1913 by Joseph Bell DeRemer, the second incarnation after a fire destroyed the original. It was added to National Register of Historic Places in 1982.
