"College of Education student lounge being dedicated in Kathleen Gershm" by Jena Pierce

College of Education student lounge being dedicated in Kathleen Gershman’s honor


Jena Pierce

Document Type

News Article

Publication Date


Campus Unit

College of Education & Human Development


The University of North Dakota College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) will dedicate the "Dr. Kathleen W. Gershman Student Lounge" in the Education Building at 3 p.m., TODAY, Nov. 19.

Gershman, a longtime faculty member and chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Research, wanted to ensure the newly remodeled Education Building had a comfortable and quiet spot just for students: to study, rest, think and visit with other students.

"The lounge always has students in it," said Dennis Caine, interim dean of the College. "It is a great place for our students to have some 'down time' without having to leave the building."

Gershman is professor of educational foundations and research and graduate director in the CEHD. She received her B.A. in anthropology from the University of Massachusetts and her master's and doctoral degrees from Harvard University.

Always a champion of students, she has chaired the dissertation committees of 33 graduated Ph.D. students. She is proud that eight of these dissertations have been recognized for either Outstanding Scholarship on Teacher Education, Phi Delta Kappa's Doctoral Dissertation Award or the UND Graduate School Distinguished Dissertation Award.
