New Printers at CFL


Will Martin

Document Type

News Article

Publication Date


Campus Unit

Chester Fritz Library


The library has just installed brand new black-and-white printers. If you have installed the library’s printers on your laptop, you will need to update your drivers. This applies only to the black and white printer; the color is unchanged and does not need updating.


Windows users can update their drivers using either the ITSS instructions, or by running the CFL printer installer. Note: keep an eye on the task bar during the installation. It may pop up a new window underneath the installer asking you to resolve a settings conflict. Here is a screenshot:

Choose the “Restore my previous settings” option. After that, you’ll need to click the “Return now” button:

These steps do not always appear, so if it just works for you, then you got lucky.


Refer to the ITSS instructions. You may need to delete the CFL printer and redo the setup if it’s already installed.
