"Chester Fritz Library Launches New Web Site" by University of North Dakota

Chester Fritz Library Launches New Web Site

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News Article

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Campus Unit

Chester Fritz Library


After some eleven months of development, UND’s Chester Fritz Library has launched a revamped web site. Making use of up to date technologies, it is hoped that the new site will provide a smoother and easier research experience.

The updates and changes are too numerous to fully detail here, but there are two especially major changes: a new catalog interface, and a new interlibrary loan form.

Revamped Catalog — UFind

The catalog interface has been switched to UFind. This new interface was developed by the Online Dakota Information Network (ODIN) based on the open source VuFind project, and offers several improvements over the older interface:

Searches return results faster

Faceted navigation to help you narrow your results

Easier to determine whether an item is available

For those who prefer to use the previous catalog (classic ODIN), there is a link on the library home page.

New Interlibrary Loan Form

The form for requesting books, articles, and other documents through interlibrary loan has been completely redesigned. Patrons may now log in with their general UND user name and password (also known as your IDM user name and password) instead of typing in their library barcode. The procedure has been converted to a step-by-step “wizard” process as well, making it easier to navigate. Please note ILL users will need to complete a registration process the first time they use the new form. On later visits they may skip straight to placing requests.

Feedback Welcome

The library welcomes feedback on its web site, and invites the UND community to share their thoughts. Reports of bugs — such as broken links, formatting errors, typos, or things which just don’t work as they should — are particularly welcome. You may contact either the Reference Desk, or send an email to Will Martin, the Web Services Librarian.
