North Dakota Law Review
Volume 70, Number 1 (1994)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Legal and Social Responses to Its Impact on Native Americans
Claire E. Dineen
Case Comments
Damages - Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress in the Workplace: Defining Extreme and Outrageous Conduct in North Dakota's Job Description
Angela M. Elsperger
Withdrawing or Withholding Medical Care from Premature Infants: Who Should Decide, and How
Jennifer Stokley
North Dakota's Stalking Law: Criminalizing the Crime before the Crime
Tracy Vigness Kolb
The Need for Closing Argument Guidelines in Jury Trials
Michael J. Ahlen
Why Not Findings of Law and Conclusions of Fact and Opinions about Both
Nevin Van de Streek