Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The word-level prosodic system of Mangghuer, Teresa Ellen Arthur
Evolutionary cartographies of language diversification: Quantitative approaches to the geolinguistic mapping of the Kayanic languages (Central Borneo), DeAndré A. Espree-Conaway
Verticality metaphors in Classical Hebrew revisited: Refining the analysis using Primary Metaphor Theory, Andrew Scott Hodge
Effective communication in League of Legends, Mia Sue Lopez
A phonological analysis of Asu, James Passetti
Li Xei: A phonology of an understudied Bahnaric language in central Vietnam, Stephanie Lynn Person
A grammar sketch of Kinamayo, Benjamin James Schmitt
Weaving ethnic identity: Discovering the threads of multilingual diversity in the fabric of group identity among Karen communities of Denver, Colorado, Charity J. Seidler
Contextualizing mother-tongue based multilingual education preschools within the Turkmen community of Afghanistan, Carrie Ann Shaver
Multilingual education curriculum development in low and middle-income countries, Gena N. Wambsganss
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A typology of morphological argument focus marking, Aidan Alexander Aannestad
Klon pronouns in their typological and linguistic context within Wallacea, Eastern Indonesia, Johnny Marshel Banamtuan
Just a little respect: Authority and competency in women's speech, Bridget Anne Carroll
Information structure in Mangghuer: A narrative text analysis of topic and focus in a Mongolic language of northwestern China, Cory Christopher Coogan
Measuring cross-cultural engagement of those using the Growing Participator Approach, Cheryl Lea Cross
Participant reference in Colombian Sign Language narrative, Martha Lois Gateley
An analysis of the privileged syntactic argument in three Sayula Popoluca texts, Corey Havlicek
Exploring aspects of reported speech in vehicular Jula of Burkina Faso, Susan Marie Locklin
Language Archive Records: Interoperability Of Referencing Practices And Metadata Models, Hugh J. Paterson III
The iconicity and non-arbitrariness of body locations in four unrelated sign languages, John Samson
Complex predicates in Southern Turkmen: A Role and Reference Grammar analysis, Nathaniel Andrew Shaver
Investigating information structure and word order in Latin poetry: An analysis of epigrams, Justin Riley Soderholm
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Perception and production of Nanning Mandarin fourth tone, Julie Flaming
Distinguishing passive from MP2-marked middle in Koine Greek, Andrew Charles Lamicela
The phonology of Mbati, Sarah Gloria LePage
Information structure in Soumraye (Somrai), an Eastern Chadic language, Emily Ruthann Miller
The vowels of Urban Qatari Arabic, Mark Daniel Shockley
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A text-based exploration of topics in White Hmong grammar, Katherine Ann Birnschein
Evaluative discourse as community identity among expatriates in Shenzhen, China, Karyn Harding
Dialect transfer for L2 Arabic learners, Jozeca Lathrop
Using context to communicate: Romanian Sign Language learners and their communication strategies, Rebecca Melville
Constituent order and participant reference in Napo Quichua narrative discourse, Larinda Moffitt
Phonology and morphology of Bolgo, Katie Ann Tikka
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Some features of participant reference in Xochapa Mixtec, Laura J. Cline
Reference tracking in Ethiopian Sign Language, Katelin Jo French
The impact of translation on constructed action and constructed dialogue in ASL texts, Beth C. Gray
Modest dress as literacy practice in English-speaking conservative Mennonite groups, Megan Lois Mong
A phonology of Hill (Kone-Tu) Asho, Daniel Tignor
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Lexical categories in Lengua de Señas Argentina, Roman Caceres
Referring forms and cognitive status in non-narrative American Sign Language texts, Tamara Michelle Grosso
Alternations in Murui: A morphological approach, Amy Havlicek
Tone in Acatlán Mixtec nouns, Esteban I. Méndez-Hord
Tools for assessing relatedness in understudied language varieties: A survey of Mixtec varieties in western Oaxaca, Mexico, Erin Padgett
Structural narratology in Romanian Sign Language personal experience narratives, Jessica Sohre
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Voice in Bugis: An RRG perspective, Douglas C. Laskowske
An acoustic study of Kope, Northeast Kiwai, Papua New Guinea, with preliminary tonal analysis, Julia Martin
Verbal morphology and grammatical aspect in Sarikoli, Timothy S. Palmer
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Spectrums, subgroups and school-lunch: The linguistic capital of students with autism, Scott Belden
Case and pragmatic status markers in Embera Katío, Bethany Winter Carlson
Computer-assisted vocabulary learning for Deaf learners of foreign sign languages, Benjamin J. Cavaletto
Deixis in Shughni: Grammatical and semantic considerations, Katja S. Mueller
Falam immigrants in America: Motivations for language use, maintenance, and shift, Hannah Reeves
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Placing Wardak among Pashto varieties, Dennis Walter Coyle
Consonant correspondences of Burmese, Rakhine and Marma with initial implications for historical relationships, Heidi A. Davis
The pronominal clitics of Logar Ormuri, Jeremy Hawbaker
Verbal fluency: Norms for the Lakota population in semantic and phonemic fluency tasks, Larissa M. Jordan
Subordination in Sarikoli, Deborah Kim
A description and analysis of four metarepresentation markers of Indus Kohistani, Beate Lubberger
Handshapes in Afghan Sign Language, Justin Power
The phonetics and phonology of Bora tone, Amy Roe
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The tone system of Acatepec Me'paa, Kevin Cline
Resemblance-oriented communication strategies: Understanding the role of resemblance in signed and spoken languages, Daniel R. Eberle
Locative expressions in signed languages: A cross-linguistic comparison, Sarah E. Eberle
Many voices, many selves: An analysis of education blog discourses, Kelli Lynn Finney
A structured PC-PATR grammar editor and application to Bahasa Indonesia, Trafton Fletcher Hardison
Toward a further understanding of the extensibility of sign languages, Jason Hopkins
Grammar enhanced biliteracy: Naskapi language structures for facilitating reading in Naskapi, William Joseph Jancewicz
Classifier constructions as procedural signs in American Sign Language, Stephen Perry Jones Ii
Numeral incorporation in American Sign Language, Vanessa L. Jones
A survey of those in the U.S. Deaf community about reading and writing ASL, Jennifer Keogh
ELL vocabulary acquisition: How improvement measurements are affected by text type, English reading ability, and assessment methods, JoEllen Magnus
The mouthing of verbs in Japanese Sign Language, Mark Penner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Six discourse markers in Tunisian Arabic: A syntactic and pragmatic analysis, Chris Adams
Participatory methods in sociolinguistic sign language survey: A case study in El Salvador, Julia Ciupek-Reed
Forecasting the vitality of the Fur language: A study in language use patterns and attitudes in Darfur, Kerry Mae Corbett
The acoustic qualities of Embera Katío stops, Gisella Teresa Greenfield Vélez
A phonological analysis of Mro Khimi, Christina Scotte Hornéy
Reference in Udi narrative discourse, Catherine MacLeod
The phonology and morphology of verb forms in Mubi, Davis Prickett
Persuasion and manipulation: Relevance across multiple audiences, Kevin Sparks
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Thematic groupings in Magpie Miao narrative, Won Ho Kim
Sign language word list comparisons: Toward a replicable coding and scoring methodology, Jason Parks
A grammar of SignWriting, Stuart M. Thiessen
Phonological and phonetic aspects of Enggano vowels, Brendon E. Yoder
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Word order typology in modern South Arabian languages: A study based on a corpus of analyzed texts, David A. Cross Jr.
Berne, Indiana Swiss German: Lessons learned from a small-scale documentation project, Gretta Yoder Owen
Motion events in Seri: Applying Talmy's typologies, April E. Sachs
Placing İsmayıllı Lezgi among the Lezgi dialects, Jessica Smith
A phonological description of "Pet Talk" in Arara, Isaac Costa de Souza
The morphology of nouns in the Ugoroŋmo language (Arara of Pará), Shirley Dias Cardoso de Souza
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A brief sketch of Urama grammar with special consideration of particles marking agency, aspect, and modality, Janessa L. Brown
Palembangese in print: An NLS look at literacies, linguacies, communicacies, and culturacies in South Sumatra, Jacob M. Hall
A study in the design and impact of an oral/aural bridge component in second language literacy, Holly A. Leslie
Place names in Israeli Sign Language, Bettina Revilla
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The phonology and morphology of the Dar Daju Daju language, Arthur J. Aviles
Subordination, grounding and the packaging of information in Gojri, Kara Suzanne Fast
Verbal tone in Mpyemo, Bradley D. Festen
Constituent order and participant reference in Dolnia Hani narrative discourse, Karen L. Gainer
Biliteracy and skills transfer: Literacy skills transfer from Arabic to English focusing on lexical access, Henry J. Hauser
Acoustic correlates of fortis/lenis in San Francisco Ozolotepec Zapotec, Anita J. Leander