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This handwritten letter, dated January 24, 1955, from R. C. Sannes of Watford City, North Dakota to United States (US) Senator William Langer inquires about legislation passed two or three years prior related to government funding for the moving of buildings from river bottoms on lands taken for the construction of the Garrison Dam and its reservoir. Sannes writes that he feels it is only fair that the US government should pay for buildings to be moved from the taken lands to the new lands purchased to replace them, and that any legislation to do so should apply retroactively to the time the US government began purchasing land for the project.
See also:
Letter from Senator Langer to R. C. Sannes Regarding Funding to Move Buildings from Areas to be Flooded by Garrison Dam, February 9, 1955, January 24, 1955
Date of Work
Garrison Dam, relocation, buildings, moving, inundation, reservoir, taking
Organizations Referenced
US Congress
People Referenced
R. C. Sannes, William Langer
Recommended Citation
Sannes, R. C., "Letter from R. C. Sannes to Senator Langer Regarding Funding to Move Buildings from Areas to be Flooded by Garrison Dam, January 24, 1955" (1955). William Langer Papers. 1023.