"Letter from Senator Langer to R. C. Sannes Regarding Funding to Move B" by William Langer


William Langer



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This letter, dated February 9, 1955, from United States (US) Senator William Langer to R. C. Sannes acknowledges Sannes's recent letter inquiring about legislation passed two or three years prior related to government funding for the moving of buildings from river bottoms on lands taken for the construction of the Garrison Dam and its reservoir. Langer writes that Sannes may be referring to the Civil Functions Appropriation Act of October 21, 1951, which provided for reimbursements to non-landowners for improvements they had made on land taken for the Garrison Dam project.

Langer adds that those owning land and improvements were supposed to have received reimbursements for both the land and the improvements.

See also:

Letter from R. C. Sannes to Senator Langer Regarding Funding to Move Buildings from Areas to be Flooded by Garrison Dam, January 24, 1955

Date of Work



Garrison Dam, relocation, buildings, moving, inundation, reservoir, taking

Organizations Referenced

US Congress

People Referenced

R. C. Sannes, William Langer

Letter from Senator Langer to R. C. Sannes Regarding Funding to Move Buildings from Areas to be Flooded by Garrison Dam, February 9, 1955, January 24, 1955
