
Frank McVey



Artist Dates



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Date of Work

1933 (Original Work)


Archival Digital Reproduction


19 5/8" (framed)


22 1/2" (framed)


Art & Design Study Collection


Displayed: Second floor


Education Building

Additional Information

Frank Lemond McVey was the President of the University of North Dakota from 1909-1917. Afterwards, while serving as President of the University of Kentucky, he became active as a painter. While no artworks have been found dating from his UND years, McVey’s artistic interests might have their origins in North Dakota. This image is a reproduction of a work by McVey from the permanent collection of The University of Kentucky Art Museum.

McVey was not the only UND President who made art. Original works by former Presidents George A. Starcher and Charles A. Kupchella are displayed on the first floor of the Education Building. Current UND President, Robert O. Kelley, also has artistic talents, and a reproduction of a stained-glass panel by him is exhibited on the third floor of Twamley Hall (alongside reproductions of works by Presidents McVey, Starcher, and Kupchella).

From Text Panel:

Reproduction of an original oil painting in the collection of the Art Museum at the University of Kentucky.

Economist Frank LeRond McVey was the President of UND from 1909 to 1917. While at UND, McVey was a strong proponent of academic freedom and his administration is credited for elevating faculty morale while encouraging faculty research and publication. After leaving UND, McVey served as President at The University of Kentucky from 1917 to 1940.

McVey was known to be active as a painter in his later years, but no examples of his artwork have been located from his North Dakota years.




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