US Government Documents related to Indigenous Nations
Carey Estes Kefauver
US Senate Committee on the Judiciary
84th Congress, 1st Session
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This report, dated March 14, 1955, from the United States (US) Senate Committee on the Judiciary is a study of juvenile delinquency in the US. The study aimed to define and characterize juvenile delinquency, to determine its cause and contributing factors, to study sentencing and corrective measures in use, and to determine if juveniles are breaking Federal narcotics laws. The study took place over a 17 month period. Under the subheading "Special problems" is a section on "Juvenile delinquency among Indian children." In 1956, the committee released a report focused exclusively on "Juvenile Delinquency Among the Indians."
Publication Date
juvenile delinquency, investigation, federal investigation, narcotics, drug use
Organizations Referenced
US Senate Committee on the Judiciary
People Referenced
Robert C. Hendrickson, William Langer, Carey Estes Kefauver, Thomas C. Hennings Jr, Harley M. Kilgore, Olin D. Johnston, Alexander Wiley, Herbert Hannoch, Herbert Beaser, Richard Clendenen, James Bobo, Ames O. Eastland, John L. McClellan, Price Daniel, Joseph O’Mohoney, William E. Jenner, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Herman Welker, John Marshall Butler
Government Printing Office
American Politics | Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law | Indigenous Studies | Law and Politics | Native American Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
United States Congress, Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Juvenile Delinquency: Interim Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-third Congress, Second Session, Pursuant to S. Res. 89 and S. Res. 190 (83d Congress, 1st and 2d sessions) to Study Juvenile Delinquency in the United States 84th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rep. 61. March 14, 1955. https://commons.und.edu/indigenous-gov-docs/152/.

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American Politics Commons, Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law Commons, Indigenous Studies Commons, Law and Politics Commons, Native American Studies Commons, United States History Commons
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