Coal Creek Carbon Capture
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Aug 2024Fact sheet about Coal Creek Carbon Capture project, a CarbonSAFE initiative. The Coal Creek Carbon Capture project is investigating the feasibility of developing safe, permanent geologic storage of CO2 captured from Coal Creek Station.
Drilling FAQs
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Aug 2024Fact sheet about geological research drilling. Cylindrical rock samples, called cores, and geologic data will be collected from an exploratory hole drilled in McKenzie County, North Dakota.
El Centro de Almacenamiento de Carbono Roughrider
Universidad de Dakota del Norte. Centro de Investigación de Energía y Ambiental
Aug 2024Hojas informativas acerca del Centro de Almacenamiento de Carbono Roughrider, un Proyecto de CarbonSAFE. El Proyecto del Centro de Almacenamiento de Carbono Roughrider está investigando la viabilidad para el almacenamiento Seguro y permanente de CO2 en el condado McKenzie, Dakota del Norte.
Preguntas Más Frecuentes de Perforación
Universidad de Dakota del Norte. Centro de Investigación de Energía y Ambiental
Aug 2024Hoja informativa acerca de la investigación geológica de la perforación. Muestras de roca cilíndricas, llamadas núcleos de roca, y datos geológicos serán adquiridos en un pozo exploratorio perforado en el Condado McKenzie, Dakota del Norte
The Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Aug 2024Fact sheet regarding the Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub, a CarbonSAFE project. The Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub project is investigating the feasibility of safe, permanent storage of CO2 in McKenzie County, North Dakota.
State Energy Research Center
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2024Fact sheet about the Energy & Environmental Research Center and its role as North Dakota's State Energy Research Center (SERC). Includes SERC accomplishments.
Pathway to Bakken EOR
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Feb 2024Fact sheet on the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) potential of the Bakken Formation.
U.S. Incentives to Capture and Store CO2
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Nov 2023Fact sheet on the 45Q tax credit. 45Q was created in 2008 as a tax credit to incentivize the development of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects.
Carbon Storage Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA)
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2023Fact sheet about carbon storage monitoring, verification, and accounting (MVA). Includes background on MVA, the Energy & Environmental Research Center, and Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership plans for MVA strategy development.
CORE-CM Williston Basin Carbon Ore, Rare Earth, and Critical Minerals
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2023Fact sheet on the Carbon Ore, Rare Earth and Critical Minerals (CORE-CM) Initiative, an Energy & Environmental Research Center and U.S. Department of Energy project. Includes information on the importance of critical minerals and utilizing lignite from the Williston Basin.
General Brochure
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2023Information about the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC). Includes information on the EERC’s expertise, research priorities, facilities, and employment statistics.
Geophysical Survey in Central North Dakota
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2023Fact sheet about a 2023–2024 Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) geophysical survey in central North Dakota to evaluate the feasibility of developing safe and permanent CO2 storage in the project area. Describes the purpose of the survey and potential impact on local landowners.
More Than Energy: Coal as a Mineral Resource
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2023Brochure on Carbon Ore, Rare Earth, and Critical Minerals (CORE-CM) Initiative, an Energy & Environmental Research Center and U.S. Department of Energy project. Explores the benefits of utilizing lignite coal from the Williston Basin.
BPOP Prospectus
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Sep 2023Prospectus for Bakken Production Optimization Program (BPOP) 4.0.
Experimental Data Supporting CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage Potential in the Bakken Petroleum System (BPS)
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Sep 2023Fact sheet on CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the Bakken petroleum system. Highlights experimental data concerning CO2’s role in oil recovery in the region.
Upgraded Carbon Ores to Products
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Sep 2023Fact sheet on the Energy & Environmental Research Center project to develop domestic battery materials from upgraded carbon ores. Includes information on upgraded carbon ores to products (UCOP) technology and a timeline for development.
Section 45Q
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Mar 2023Fact sheet on the 45Q tax credit. 45Q was created in 2008 as a tax credit to incentivize the development of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects.
Direct Air Capture
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Feb 2023Fact sheet about direct air capture (DAC), a carbon capture technology that will reduce and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. DAC supports environmental sustainability, North Dakota’s economy, and boosts the energy industry.
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jan 2023Fact sheet about carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and the Energy & Environmental Research Center’s CCUS capabilities. Includes information on the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership initiative, Brine Extraction and Storage Test (BEST), Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE), Red Trail Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, a feed study at Coal Creek Station, Bell Creek and Cedar Creek anticline projects, and Partnership for CO2 Capture (PCO2C).
CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery: Greener Oil
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jan 2023Fact sheet about enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and stages of oil production. Includes benefits, safety information, and how North Dakota oil fields can utilize EOR.
Demonstration CO2 Storage in the PCOR Partnership Region
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jan 2023Fact sheet about the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership region and the importance of CO2 storage.
State Energy Research Center
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jan 2023Information on the Energy & Environmental Research Center and its role as the State Research Center (SERC) for North Dakota. Showcases the EERC’s technological capabilities, outreach efforts, funding sources, and workforce development.
Projecting Electric Vehicle Charging Demand in North Dakota and Minnesota
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Dec 2022Fact sheet projecting the demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging and the future of EVs and EV charging stations in North Dakota and Minnesota.
State Energy Research Center
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Nov 2022Fact sheet about the State Energy Research Center (SERC). Highlights the Energy & Environmental Research Center’s technology development, skilled workforce, and funding sources.
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jul 2022Fact sheet about carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and the Energy & Environmental Research Center’s CCUS capabilities. Includes information on the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership initiative, Brine Extraction and Storage Test (BEST), Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE), Red Trail Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, a feed study at Coal Creek Station, Bell Creek and Cedar Creek anticline projects, and Partnership for CO2 Capture (PCO2C).
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