Geologic Storage of Sour CO2 from a Natural Gas-Processing Plant – A Proposed Commercial Demonstration
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2011Fact sheet about a proposed commercial demonstration project that would pipe sour CO2 stream from Spectra Energy's Fort Nelson gas processing facility to a nearby permanent storage site. The project is led by Spectra Energy and the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership.
What is the PCOR Partnership?
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2011Fact sheet describing the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership. Outlines the phases of U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership program.
Water Use in Carbon Capture and Storage Activities
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2010Northern Great Plains Water Consortium fact sheet on water use in carbon capture and storage activities, including carbon dioxide injection and transportation and power plant-based carbon dioxide capture.
Hydrogen On-Demand
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
May 2010Technical brief discussing hydrogen on-demand, a simplified high-pressure hydrogen process, and how it compares to traditional hydrogen production, including cost, efficiency, and storage reduction.
Hydrogen Separation Membranes
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
May 2010Technical brief describing hydrogen separation membranes and their potential to reduce cost of hydrogen production and CO2 separation. Outlines membrane types, commercially available membranes, and new technological developments.
Centers for Renewable Energy & Biomass Utilization
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2010Brochure on the Energy & Environmental Research Center's (EERC's) Centers for Renewable Energy & Biomass Utilization, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy. Outlines EERC capabilities and the Centers' areas of expertise.
Direct Ammonia Derivative Fuel Cell (DADFC)
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2010Fact sheet on direct ammonia derivative fuel cells (DADFCs), including information on their economic and environmental benefits.
General Brochure
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Feb 2010Brochure about the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), including its philosophy, partnerships, program areas, history, and Centers of Excellence.
Climate Cyclicity and the Economic Vitality of the Northern Great Plains
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jan 2010Northern Great Plains Water Consortium fact sheet on climate fluctuations and economic vitality within the northern Great Plains, including discussions on floods and the Waffle flood mitigation concept.
National Center for Hydrogen Technology
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2009Brochure about the Energy & Environmental Research Center's National Center for Hydrogen Technology. Includes its role in developing technologies that produce and utilize hydrogen.
What is CCS?
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Oct 2009Fact sheet about carbon capture and storage (CCS) and the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership. Outlines the three phases of U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership program.
Geologic Storage of Sour CO2 from a Natural Gas-Processing Plant – A Commercial Demonstration
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jul 2009Fact sheet about the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) and Spectra Energy-led demonstration of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to manage the CO2 emissions of natural gas processing facilities. Describes the project, research objectives, and intended schedule.
What is CCS?
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jun 2009Fact sheet about carbon capture and storage (CCS) and the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership. Outlines the three phases of U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership program.
CO2 EOR and CO2 Sequestration – The Case for Collaboration
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Nov 2008Fact sheet on energy policies and how they pertain to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS).
What is CCS?
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Nov 2008Fact sheet about carbon capture and storage (CCS) and the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership. Outlines the three phases of U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership program.
EERC Economic Impact
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Jul 2008Brochure summarizing the economic impact of the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC). Includes global partnerships, job opportunities, and statistics relating to economic impact.
Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential – Field Validation Tests
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
May 2008Fact sheet about the four field validation tests conducted by the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership to test the efficacy of CO2 sequestration. The project was included in Phase II of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Initiative.
Best Management Practices for Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration on Private Lands in the Prairie Pothole Region
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about managing private lands in the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership region to promote effective carbon sequestration. Outlines how to maximize carbon sequestration across various landscapes.
CO2 Sequestration – Controlling CO2 Emissions to the Atmosphere Through Capture and Long-Term Storage
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about CO2 sequestration. Defines direct and indirect sequestration and discusses the role of the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership in advancing sequestration projects.
CO2 Sequestration Through Habitat Restoration – Defining Best Terrestrial Sequestration Practices for Landowners
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about terrestrial sequestration best practices for landowners. Defines terrestrial carbon sequestration, and describes how carbon is sequestered in different environments.
CO2 Sequestration Validation Test in a Deep Oil Field in the Williston Basin
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about the Williston Basin Field Validation Test conducted by the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership.
Cobenefits of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in the PCOR Partnership Region
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet on the benefits of carbon sequestration land management in the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership region.
Identifying CO2 Sequestration Opportunities
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about CO2 data organization and gathering to develop promising CO2 sequestration opportunities within the PCOR Partnership region.
PCOR Partnership Phase III – Commercial-Scale Demonstrations of Geologic CO2 Storage in the Northern Great Plains
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet on Phase III of the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership, conducted under the U.S. Department of Energy. Includes information on commercial-scale demonstrations of CO2 geologic sequestration.
The Weyburn Oil Field – A Model for Value-Added Direct CO2 Sequestration
University of North Dakota. Energy and Environmental Research Center
Apr 2008Fact sheet about the Weyburn Oil Field. Discusses CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at Weyburn and research on combining EOR and CO2 sequestration at the site.
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