"H. Keith Hunt on Consumer Behavior: Understanding His Contribution" by Laura Egan and David Aron

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Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior




This study uses an ego-centric bibliometric analysis of H. Keith Hunt to elucidate his connection to researchers in the consumer behavior field and his impact on the field. We identified publications written or edited by Hunt using Web of Science, Google Scholar, and the Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior; analyzed Hunt’s co-authors and citations in those works; and tabulated Hunt’s co-cited authors for top consumer behavior journals in Web of Science. Based on the analysis and quotes from his works and others about Hunt, we also identify and discuss dimensions related to Hunt’s impact on the consumer behavior field: his scholarly influence; his vision; his leadership; his mentorship; and his role as a head of a community of scholars, teachers, and marketers. Hunt not only developed the field of scholarship around consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and complaining behavior, he fostered a community of scholars known for their collaboration and creativity in expanding the bounds of the consumer behavior field. His mentorship continues to impact the field as others take up his mantle to expand its conceptual development and invite new scholars to the fold.

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The associated dataset for this publication can be found at: https://doi.org/10.31356/data026

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