"Letter from Representative Burdick to Gerhard Stenerson Regarding Garr" by Usher L. Burdick



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This letter, dated May 29, 1949, from United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick to Van Hook Farmers Union secretary Gerhard Stenerson concerns the pool level of Garrison Dam. Burdick writes that his office received the Van Hook Farmers Union resolution dated May 3 and he and US Representative William Lemke are doing all they can to get the pool level down to 1,830. Burdick adds that hearings have been completed on his bill to cancel seed and feed loans and that the commodity credit corporation storage program is tied up in US Congress.

Date of Work



flooding, flood protections, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, United States Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineers, Van Hook Farmers Union, pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level

Organizations Referenced

United States Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineers, Van Hook Farmers Union

People Referenced

Usher Burdick, Gerhard Sternerson, William Lemke

Letter from Representative Burdick to Gerhard Stenerson Regarding Garrison Dam Pool Level, May 29, 1949
