"Letter from Representative Burdick to Gerhard Stenerson Regarding Garr" by Usher L. Burdick



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This letter, dated July 15, 1949, from United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick to Van Hook Farmers Union secretary Gerhard Stenerson concerns the pool level of Garrison Dam. The letter thanks Stenerson for his previous letter regarding the dam and farm parity legislation. The letter also states that Burdick has been working on legislation to prevent the US Army Engineers from acquiring any land above a 1,830 foot pool level. The letter notes that the Hoover Commission has recommended the functions of the Army Engineers be transferred to a civilian agency like the US Bureau of Reclamation in the Interior Department and that Burdick agrees with this recommendation. The letter concludes by stating Burdick's support for the Brannon Farm Program.

Date of Work



pool level, pool height, water height, water level, flood height, flood level, United States Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineers, Garrison Dam, Garrison Reservoir, Garrison Diversion, United States Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineers, United States Department of Interior, US Bureau of Reclamation

Organizations Referenced

United States Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineers, United States Department of Interior, US Bureau of Reclamation

People Referenced

Usher Burdick, Gerhard Stenerson

Letter from Representative Burdick to Gerhard Stenerson Regarding Garrison Dam Pool Level, July 15, 1949
