ALL: Master Collection List

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Art & Design Study Collection
Stored: FF_006_C
UND Art Collections Repository
Additional Information
The “World War 3 Illustrated” portfolio was part of the “Graphic Radicals” exhibit celebrating over 30 years of left-wing political cartoons from the cartooning magazine “World War 3 Illustrated”. Lifelong friends and artistic activists Peter Kuper and Seth Tobocman launched the magazine in 1979-1980. The exhibition tackled global and local events the artists had scrutinized and experienced, such as the Gulf War, Hurricane Katrina, Tomkins Square Riot, the Balkins genocide, and 9/11. The Exhibition ran from Sept. 30th to Oct. 31st at Grand Forks’ Colonel Eugene E. Myers Gallery in Hughes Fine Arts Center, and the Third Street Gallery on Kittson. The exhibit was free and open to the public.
The prints in this portfolio were developed and printed at UND through Sundog Multiples. UND Professors Fink and Jonientz, as well as Brian Fricke from the Department of Art & Design along with Professor Ommen from Communications met and raised funds to bring the exhibition to UND. Kuper first visited UND in 2008 as a featured author of the Writer’s Conference. After the conference, Kuper agreed to produce a three-color lithograph with UND students. This venture ended with the original Kuper prints “Lucha Libre”, “This is Not a Pipe”, “Give It Up!” and “The Helmsman”. Kuper and Sundog have since collaborated on other projects, leading Kuper to offer UND the opportunity of exhibiting “Graphic Radicals”.
Sundog Multiples was a printmaking venture created by Art & Design Professor Kim Fink, in conjunction with UND Art Collections, and generously funded by the Myers Foundations.
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