ALL: Master Collection List



Norwegian American

Artist Dates



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Date of Work

20th c.


Fiber scraps


35" round


Art & Design Study Collection: Textiles and Fibers




Merrifield Hall

Artist Bio

Written by Linda Paulson, granddaughter of the artist.

Johanna Gertina Pederson Warner was born in Hemne, Alstad, Norway on Dec. 18, 1869. She immigrated to the United States in 1889. She first went to live with relatives in Mankato, MN, and later moved to Park River, ND where she had friends from her home region in Norway.

She married William Warner, a farmer, in 1901.

She made many quilts, manily of cotton and often in the log cabin pattern. She was also skilled at embroidery and Hardanger and knitting, making shawls from teh fleece of sheep she had carded and spun into yarn. Other unique items she made were circular rag rugs, woven on a wagon wheel for a frame.

She worked for time for Sam Ebbson, a tailor in Park River, and probably had access to scraps of fabric from his shop.

Tina, as she was called by her friends, died in 1955.

Additional Information

Woven on a wagon wheel loom with scraps of fabric.

Photo of artist on file with UNDAC.


Very good.


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