"White Privilege Attitudes Scale—General Version: A Validation Study" by Jana C. McCormick

Date of Award

Spring 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling Psychology & Community Services


The White Privilege Attitudes Scale assesses the level of awareness and attitudes of White privilege in counseling students. The current study provided further validation for this scale in use with the general public by collecting data from 305 adults. The subsequently revised WPAS-GV contains 43 items on a 5-point Likert scale, derived from three hierarchical themes and corresponding to three subscales: Sustaining Disparity, Seeking Clarity and Acknowledging Responsibility.

This validation study provides supportive findings on the subscales' consistency and validity, conducted with the MRS, WRIAS, MCPR, and the MCSDS. This article also introduces new items for the subscale Seeking Clarity and discusses the inclusion of biracial individuals in research about White privilege.
