"An application of acting methodologies of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler," by Misti D. Koop


Misti D. Koop

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Theatre Arts


The purpose of this study is to examine and assess my approach to acting in Anton in Show Business, in pursuit of honest and truthful acting. This thesis will explore major principles of the acting methods of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, and Sanford Meisner. This thesis will illustrate the application of these select principles to my roles of Kate, Ben, and Jackey in Jane Martin’s Anton in Show Business.

Chapter One will examine an overview of select principles of the acting methods of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, and Sanford Meisner. Strasberg’s select principles of relaxation, concentration, and affective memory; Adler’s select principles of given circumstances, imagination, and action; and Meisner’s select principles of doing and listening, communion between actors, and emotional preparation, will be defined.

Chapter Two will demonstrate an application of the select principles of each acting method to my work in Anton in Show Business, I will explain my approach to acting through the applications of Strasberg’s select principles of relaxation, concentration, and affective memory; Adler’s select principles of given circumstances, imagination, and action; and Meisner’s select principles of doing and listening, communion between actors, and emotional preparation.

Chapter Three will provide a conclusion of this study. All research, applications, and assessment of my work will be observed together to determine my growth as an actor, in my pursuit of honest and truthful acting. The basis of assessment is the degree of honesty and truthfulness in my performance.
