"Teacher and technology: How faculty resource centers can enhance highe" by John T. Freden

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE)


As many classrooms around the world utilize instructional technology to attempt to enhance student learning, the faculty resource centers that support this instructional technology are sometimes left out of the equation. This study asks the question "What can faculty resource centers do to help teachers integrate instructional technology to improve student learning?" To help answer this question surveys were sent out to educators at two different higher education institutions. Questions were asked in a survey about the educators' background information, instructional technology, and faculty resource centers. The , information gathered from this survey is useful to faculty resource centers as they c0;htinue to strive toward their goal of implementing instructional technology to enhance student learning. The results show that many participants use instructional technology to deliver content, deliver materials, and demonstrate. Many participants used PowerPoint, DVDs and VCRs, and a learning management system in their classroom. Many of the participants would like 'to receive further training on_ instructional technology and would like more communications from their faculty resource center.
