Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Art & Design
This thesis is an analysis of Mabel Seeley's nine mysteries, written between 1938 and 1957. The mysteries are: The Listening House, Girl Is Strangled (unpublished), The Crying Sisters, The Whispering Cup, The Chuckling Fingers , Eleven Came Back, The Beckoning Door, The Whistling Shadow, and Mischief Afoot (unpublished). The purpose of this analysis is to determine if there is a development in Seeley's writing from mystery to mystery, and to see if a specific formula emerges in the mysteries. The method of evaluation consists of comparing and contrasting the mysteries with each other, looking at: the structure of plot, the uses of setting, the methods of characterization, the points of view, and the descriptive details. The basis for the comparisons and contrasts are the mysteries themselves, original manuscripts and working papers, critical reviews, and comments made by the author. In order to make the phases of Seeley's mystery writing career clear, the books are dealt with in chronological order and grouped into three distinct stages: the first mysteries (1937-1938), the middle mysteries (1939 1943), and the last mysteries (1950-1957). The analysis of these mysteries indicates that a specific formula emerges in the first book written by Seeley. This pattern includes: an independent heroine, a localized setting, an abundant use of nature description, and first person narration, The second group of mysteries (1939-1943) most strongly adheres to this formula, while the last group of mysteries tends to be less consistent in following the pattern, The analysis also indicates that Seeley's writing does not develop significantly during the first two stages of her mystery writing but that her two final mysteries, The Whistling Shadow and Mischief Afoot, do show a growth from the earlier works; The Whistling Shadow is less confined by the formula and Mischief Afoot shows a development away from that formula.
Recommended Citation
Hoversten, Jeanne McLeod, "Mabel Seely: The Development of Her Mysteries" (1982). Theses and Dissertations. 6599.