Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Jared Schlenker


School leaders aim for steady progress and yearly gains. In most cases, this means modifications must be made throughout the school, particularly within the classroom. If teachers are unprepared or disengaged in the planning process, a program’s success might be at risk. Consideration of teacher needs will be influential in instructional performance and will also have a favorable impact on student achievement. With transformational leadership and its eagerness to include teacher input, reform will surely flourish. Its presence has been reviewed in a quantitative study with participants who currently have a general education position in the same school. An online format was used to distribute survey questions regarding the extent of transformational leadership practices utilized in a school system. As a result, participants felt their principal prioritized their involvement, fostered a shared vision, and provided opportunities for growth, that indicated that their principal was a transformational leader. School leaders must be self-aware and continuously tend to the partnership with teachers as their buy-in is a weighty component to change.
