Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies

First Advisor

Radomir Mitic


This qualitative case study utilizes the human capital theory to examine the influence of high impact career exploration and career-focused practices in a public, regional four-year institution. Literature shows that graduates who enter well-matched careers earn approximately 30 percent more than graduates who are not closely matched. In addition, well-matched employees lower recruitment and training costs for employers. The guiding notion of the paper is that students should not only be well-rounded but also be prepared to enter a career that is related to their field of study. Most students attend college to advance their career and economic outlook. This paper found that some participants did not know that most entry-level marketing positions are typically sales positions. This study found that a variety of high impact practices were being utilized in the marketing program. In addition, this study found that participants prefer assignments and projects that have real-life connections to industry. Horizontal mismatch is the main focus; however, vertical mismatch was examined, as the two types of mismatch correlate with one another. The use of high impact practices such as internships and externships, first-year seminars, as well as linking students to careers related to their fields of study will be examined.
