"Tele-Mental Health For Rural Children With Cancer And Their Families" by Heather Adame


Heather Adame

Date of Award

January 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling Psychology & Community Services

First Advisor

Kara B. Wettersten


Youth and Families from rural areas face different circumstances and challenges when managing a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Challenges such as this include lower access to both physical and mental health care (Janicke & Davies, 2011; Wallings et al., 2019). There is a significant need to investigate how to implement best Telemental health for rural families with pediatric cancer (Ros-DeMarize et al., 2021; Timones, 2019). Due to the limited research on this topic, the purpose of this study was to explore expert opinions on best practices for Telemental health services in pediatric oncology settings and rural families living with pediatric cancer. The Delphi method was utilized with 17 psychosocial care providers working in pediatric oncology settings in the United States to gather expert opinions on the matter. Consensus garnered demonstrated the importance of adapting current telehealth practices to accommodate better family and patient needs and for a variety of ways in which Telemental health services can be utilized to address the barriers commonly faced by families and youth in rural areas. The results support the need for continued Telemental health services in pediatric oncology settings, with adjustments for families and youth from rural areas.
