"Unionism in the Field of Banking" by William Gardiner

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In the forty-five years since the first labor bank was chartered, unions have enjoyed little success in organizing bank employees. Unions now face declining membership unless white-collar workers can be convinced of the value of unionism, so bank workers, as one of the rapidly growing elements of the white-collar population, are being closely scrutinized as potential union candidates.

The unique aspects of the banking industry have in the past dissipated drives of any 1113.gnitude directed at individual segments of the industry, while rendering any organizational campaign across the entire banking front unfeasible. The close relationship between worker and management, the small business atmosphere of a typical bank relative to its number of employees, and the unparalleled educational· systems which bankers have established for the banking population have aligned workers with management.

Future attempts to attract the bank employee are forecast by labor leaders, labor relations counselors, and labor columnists; and the Office and Professional Employees International Union has developed tactics to appeal to bank employees. The success of these measures will be determined in the light of subsequent events, but the extent of union efforts in the banking field will depend upon bank management's ability to meet and react to the challenge.
