"Distinctives of Corongo Quechua: Historical and synchronic perspective" by Daniel J. Hintz

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

David J. Weber


This thesis presents the structure of Corongo Quechua from four distinct but complementary perspectives. One, it describes the segmental sound system both historically and synchronically. Two, it provides a substantial amount of data in the form of glossed texts in a variety of genres. Three, it provides a brief description of the morphological structure and a complete list of suffixes with examples. Four, it includes a brief glossary of commonly occurring roots.

The description of the sound system has a comparative focus, examining those aspects of the phonological structure that are distinct from other Quecha dialects. It specifically examines Corongo Quechua within its immediate geographical setting in the department of Ancash in central Peru. To this end, the methodologies of descriptive, comparative, and historical linguistics are employed.

Corongo Quechua was insulated from the influence of many early linguistic innovations in central Peru. More recent local innovations set it apart as even more distinctive. Thus, Corongo Quechua occupies an important position in the comparative and historical studies of Quecha dialectology.

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Linguistics Commons
