"Progression and Remediation Policies for At-Risk Nursing Students" by Amy J. Falck


Amy J. Falck

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this independent project is to examine the efficacy of the implementation of progression and remediation policies in nursing students who are "atrisk" for failing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Nursing educators can identify the at-risk student and determine which type of guidance would be appropriate to help them achieve success. Issues addressed consist of the severity of the nursing shortage, identifying what characteristics place a student at-risk, when and how to intervene by utilizing progression and remediation policies, and a review of five policies implemented in nursing schools in a tri-state area. An extensive review of 1 iterature forms the foundation of the project. This paper concludes with the expected implications for nursing and reconunendations for further research .
