"Relevance of Spirituality to Mental Health Nursing; A Literature Revie" by Pamela S. Walls

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


This independent study is being done to review what clment literature states about s_μirtuality and spiritual care giving within the role of mental health nursing. A review of literature including articles from the past six years and classic articles was be peformed. The information is compared and contrasted to determine the extent of the relevance of spi rituality to present day mental health nursing and to examine the implications for psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Nurses are expected to deliver insightful, holistic and effective care. Many patients in mental health settings have concerns or needs related to spiritual or religious dimensions. These needs can be overlooked or neglected for several reasons Spirituality is emerging as a source of strength in the prevention of, coping with, and in recovery from both physical and emotional illnesses. This study has provided input on the importance of including spirituality in the care that is provided to mental health patients as well as examining some of the barriers that can be encountered to providing spiritual care. Spirituality is essential to delivering holistic care. In mental health nursing, spirituality is an important area to support since it moves the client towards wellness. Our understanding of' spirituality needs to be strengthened and developed further through practice. research and educational processes
