Independent Practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetics in he Rural Setting

Amber L. Philips


Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are competent in delivering cost-effective , quality anes ti 1es1· a care. Therefore, rural communities rely on CRNAs to provide anesthesia care in their facilities. With the shortage of CRNAs and anesthesiologists recruiting anesthesia providers to the mral communities has become a major issue. Without anesthesia services many rural facilities are unable to provide their community members with procedures that require anesthesia monitoring. Rural communities, unlike urban, are unable to recruit CRNAs using financial incentives. This project will provide CRNAs information needed to practice independently in the mral setting. The sole anesthesia providers in many mral medical facilities are CRNAs; however, due to the shortage of CRNAs many rural facilities are experiencing difficulties recruiting. Rural facilities lack the monetary advantages of an urban community and therefore, are unable to recrnit CRNAs using monetary incentives . Self-employment offers many advantages over employed practice and could help recruit CRNAs back to the mral setting. This project will provide the CRNA with a guideline to follow in order to develop an independent practice. This project will include, (a) discussions with current CRNAs who are independent practioners, (b) what a business plan is, what the purpose of one is, and how to develop one; (c) where to get financing, (d) how to find business, (e) what type of contract is needed, (f) how to develop a contract, (g) what type of insurance is needed and where to get that insurance, and (h) how to bill for services administered . In order to develop a guideline for CRNAs, a majority of this project will be personal contacts. The author will contact at least two CRNAs that have successful independent practices. Infonnation obtained from these individuals will give ins~ght to the reader of how they started their practice, how they were able to finance it, and the advantages/disadvantages of this type of practice . The author will also contact the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Blue Cross Blue Shield and the Small Business Center at the University of North Dakota. Infom1ation will be gained regarding, what states allow CRNAs to practice independently, rules/regulations that may apply to an independent CRNA practice, billing, financing, office space and contracting. The author may also contact a lawyer that specializes in this area to gain additional information. Independent practice for CRNAs is new to the nurse anesthesia practice. Many adult learners prefer to have written instructions to follow as they encounter a new area. CRNAs are adults and therefore the author will provide them with this guideline for developing their own practice. The area that is in need for a CRNA independent practice is the rural community. This guideline will help recruit CRNAs to the rural community