Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Newly graduated nurses (NGNs) face a number of challenges during the first year of practice placing them at higher risk for burnout and job turnover. Because burnout has such serious implications for the nursing profession, a comprehensive review of the literature was completed focusing on the question: does participation in an assertiveness training program decrease the rate of burnout and job turnover for newly graduated nurses

Evidence shows that assertiveness is associated with increased job satisfaction, effective coping, autonomy, and nurse empowerment. Since these characteristics are significant factors in decreasing burnout and job turnover, the findings suggest that strategies to increase assertiveness may also be beneficial in preventing burnout and attrition. The literature further demonstrates that a two-prong approach is needed that includes interventions to enhance assertiveness along with modifications to the organizational culture to increase assertiveness, self-esteem, and coping, and decreased stress. Based on this review, the use of AT in nurse residency programs is being proposed as a way to reduce stress, improve communication, and decrease burnout and job turnover for NGNs

Keywords: assertiveness, assertiveness training, professional burnout, nursing
