"Implementation of Electronic Medical Record HbA 1 c reminders for Adul" by Sarah Harkey


Sarah Harkey

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The learning project was developed to determine if using clinical decision supp01i in an EMR can improve patient outcomes. Patient outcomes can be improved with implementation of a decision making tool, such as a reminder based on a clinical guideline, in an EMR. The practice recommendation in the project is to implement a computerized tool to trigger clinicians to order HbA 1 c in a patient that is dete1mined to be prediabetic or has an increased risk factor such as being a Native American. Education of the clinicians would be needed to both inform them of the trigger and the recommendations of the results. Therefore, an education in-service was developed using adult learning theory as a framework.
