"Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries" by Martha Jo McCart

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) or concussion is a serious health problem. Brain injuries can occur due to a variety of impacts and can occur at any age. While concussions are currently in the news, information regarding recognition, response, and management are frequently out of date

Literature was reviewed in relation to current research in the pathophysiology of mTBI and focused in the area of cerebral blood flow, metabolic demands, and neuronal damage. Additionally, current recommendations relating to identification and response were reviewed in relation to athletics and in the military setting. Nursing knowledge was also addressed by a review of the literature, assessment of two nursing programs, and evaluation of several text books used in nursing education

In response to current infom1ation available to school nursing in this community, a presentation was developed. This presentation reviewed current research in the pathophysiology of mTBI and the recommended guidelines in response and management

There are many areas in which additional information for mTBI is needed. This is true in nursing text books, nursing programs, and for nurses currently in practice. One of the ways change will occur is the increasing number of laws that are being enacted relating to mTBI and student athletes. This will create a more immediate need for nurses to have comprehensive knowledge of mTBI, in both educational and community settings
